game text problem

I have a command set up so when i go to a specific spot the messages bellow will pop up. However only one of the messages pops up and i want both to pop up so it will say

You can become a GunDealer
Type /Join To become a

im not sure how to make it come up exactly like the format i just did up thier, can some one please help me.

if(pickupid == GunDealer)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~You can become a ~b~GunDealer~g~ Here",5000,3);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~ Type ~y~/Join~g~ To Become A GunDealer",5000,3);

any one know how to fix the problem? right now it only shows 1 of the 2 sentances..

Originally Posted by balisticore
any one know how to fix the problem? right now it only shows 1 of the 2 sentances..
You need a text draw cause only 1 game text shows up at a time

a simple way to make more lines is just have a line break


and that starts a new line

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