28.08.2009, 23:30
Fully featured helmet/seatbelt system.

- When a player crashes their car, they lose health. They lose 6HP with their seatbelt on, and 45HP without it on. In addition, if the player does not have their seatbelt on when they crash, they can not drive their car for 4 seconds.
-Police can check whether a player is wearing their equipment
-/seatbelt or /helmet: Put on your seatbelt/helmet.
-/checkseatbelt [playerid]: Check to see whether the player is wearing their seatbelt or helmet. Must be in a 6 meter radius of the player and have a cop skin ( 280-287, defined in IsACopSkin(playerid) )
-Seif: VehicleDamageToPlayerHealth sampled from Seif_vehicle
-Mirror 1 (UpFFS)
-Mirror 2 (Uploading.com)
Fully featured helmet/seatbelt system.

- When a player crashes their car, they lose health. They lose 6HP with their seatbelt on, and 45HP without it on. In addition, if the player does not have their seatbelt on when they crash, they can not drive their car for 4 seconds.
-Police can check whether a player is wearing their equipment
-/seatbelt or /helmet: Put on your seatbelt/helmet.
-/checkseatbelt [playerid]: Check to see whether the player is wearing their seatbelt or helmet. Must be in a 6 meter radius of the player and have a cop skin ( 280-287, defined in IsACopSkin(playerid) )
-Seif: VehicleDamageToPlayerHealth sampled from Seif_vehicle
-Mirror 1 (UpFFS)
-Mirror 2 (Uploading.com)