24.08.2009, 09:58
Hello I've this in mine command, When I type /dm15 for ex. It will show a textdraw for 12 seconds. But if I type another command ex. /dm14 everything is ok the text will change to but the timer set not again,
You know what I mean?
No? I type /dm15 timer will count 12 seconds but when i type /dm14 ex. inside the 12 seconds the timer will not count again from 0 And so is there a problem like The textdraw show ex. 5 seconds. Or something else.
My command.
You know what I mean?
No? I type /dm15 timer will count 12 seconds but when i type /dm14 ex. inside the 12 seconds the timer will not count again from 0 And so is there a problem like The textdraw show ex. 5 seconds. Or something else.
My command.
if(!strcmp(cmd, "/dm15", true)) { ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 9, 1); SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, -924.0569, 2675.6586, 42.3703); GetPlayerName(playerid, var0, 25); format(var1, 256, "%s DM15'e (Testere) gecis yapti(/dm15).", var0); TextDrawSetString(Text:Bilgi,var1); TextDrawShowForAll(Text:Bilgi); SetTimer("Silici",12000,0); return 1; }