IRC Echo help - all bots do the command?

Hi there. I need a bit of help.

I have an IRC script i've done, it uses 3 bots to prevent them being killed for flooding. But when I type something like !ban or !msg, all 3 of the bots do it. This means the messages get repeated three times. Any idea how I stop this?

Let only one bot handle the execution of commands..

If that doesn't answer your question, you'll have to post the bit of code that is needed in this case..

EDIT: Or spam me on msn :P since I know you and all..

shit will get floded out of irc. there are a lot of nabs that spam and close the bot like that

well.. there are 3 bots to prevent flood killing, so executing commands should just be divided over 3 bots, doesn't sound that hard..

if ur saying commands should be removed and one bot should be left. its stupid. we need commands. and if i misunderstood something sorry then

You misunderstood my entire post.. so yea shame on you xD
But at the moment you are spamming the topic with info/stuff we don't need.

I'm still waiting till Adam hits me up on msn or w/e


irccmd_msg(BotID, channel[], user[], params[])
	new mstr[128];
	BotID = conn;
	if(!strlen(params)) return ircSay(conn, channel, "[IRC] No message entered, eijot");
	format(string,128, "[IRC] %s: %s", user, params);
	SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string);
	format(string, 128, "[IRC] %s:1 %s", user, params);
	ircSay(conn, channel,string);
  #pragma unused conn
	return true;
I've also tried putting conn = BotId; at ircOnUserSay. This did nothing at all.

BotID = the random chosen ID of one of the bots to use. This works fine, as the chat that uses does randomly switch bots.

Iv'e fixed it now

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