
what is wrong with this command ? /onduty i try all things what i know about scripting check LVRCR gamemode cuz i copyed from it.. but it wont work!!!!

here is full command test script:


can anyone help me please ?!?

do you get any errors if so what are they

no errors nothing but when i type /onduty nothing happen ...

so i ask last time any answer ? help or this topic can be deleted ...

are you trying all of the script ?

also no one can help coz pastebin has expired

oh i am sorry ye here is code again , no i need just help with command /onduty its copyed from LVRCR Gamemode and i wanna see how this /onduty command should work but when i go on my server chose '' TAXI TEAM'' and go in taxi, type /onduty nothing happened and IT DONT WRITE ''SERVER: UNKNOWN COMMAND'' it just dont nothing happen... so here is my full new gamemode for my taxi job, than i will add more jobs , but this doeasnt matter for now ...

Here is The Code:


now try to help again please cuz i really need this


sry for dubble post but i change this command a little and for now it works better but there are still problems ...

so fixed is when i type /onduty on foot it write you are not in any taxi driver vehicles... this is OK

fixed is when you enter a taxi driver car - taxi and you type /onduty it write to all ppl Lajko(0) is now on duty type /taxi bla bla bla...

and added when you type /onduty in car you are green color


when you are on foot and i type /onduty it write the message: you are not in any taxi driver vehicles + Under that write SERVER: Unknown Command

when you are in taxi driver car - taxi and u type any command that i dont have scripted in my gamemode it write: you are already on duty + server unknown command ... so can you help me with this PLEASE ?

what i made :

delete all returns 1;

and add return 0; at end of command

i add when player type /onduty he is green color

EDIT: i allmost forget, here is the code : http://pastebin.com/d4019134c
EDIT: Allmost fixed, now it dont show ''SERVER: Unknown Command'' , but why when i type /lol /ha /retard /noob /haha it write, you are already on duty ? ... jsut help to fix me this

so now i really really hope someone can help me with this cuz its very important for me



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