Animation over animation


So I have made that when talk in local chat it applys animation with length depends on number of characters and it's stopped with SetTimerEx.
The problem is if I am in some other and I want to talk, that other animation is overwritten by chat anim. That's pretty annoying and I would like that when I'm in other animation chat animation isn't applied.

I have been thinking about this sometime, but I haven't found any resonable solution.

Snyone of you have any idea?

Make a variable and set it to 1 when you are doing another anim, and then in the chat anim first check if that variable is 1, then don't apply chat animation.

I'm currently using modified vactions filterscript for all the animations. There is already variable 'gPlayerUsingLoopingAnim' which tells you if you are in animation or no.

So the question is, is it possible to use that variable from filterscript in gamemode, or I need to integrate all filterscript into gamemode?

You can use CallRemoteFunction to call a function in GM from the FS to set a variable in GM, but variables in FS don't work in GM.

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