12.06.2009, 23:54
Hey guys.
Im making my own Ban system that bans ONLY account, not IP or w/e. So i was wondering, if i make for example /banaccount [id/part of name] he gets banned, but is it possible to make /unbanaccount [player_name]. Player_Name not ID (cuz he cant be online duh). Im not sure how it would work..
And second, how can i make temp ban for it? like /tempban or /tempbanaccount [time/hours] [reason] ? Like the ban removes itself after the time/hours you setted to? Some kind of timer? It would be huge timer for alot players lol. And again /unbanaccount that removes the (timer maybe) temporary ban?
Sorry if i didnt explain clearly. My english sucks
Im making my own Ban system that bans ONLY account, not IP or w/e. So i was wondering, if i make for example /banaccount [id/part of name] he gets banned, but is it possible to make /unbanaccount [player_name]. Player_Name not ID (cuz he cant be online duh). Im not sure how it would work..
And second, how can i make temp ban for it? like /tempban or /tempbanaccount [time/hours] [reason] ? Like the ban removes itself after the time/hours you setted to? Some kind of timer? It would be huge timer for alot players lol. And again /unbanaccount that removes the (timer maybe) temporary ban?
Sorry if i didnt explain clearly. My english sucks