Im lost a lil --- Offer your fav/best admin script ??

Yooo guys !!!
I scripted a small server script for my friend ...
And when I sent it to him ... He asked me "Did you add any admin commands?" ...
Well, im not that much skilled to make admin scripts so I said "no" ...
Then he asked "Can you get me a good admin script?" ...
And here we go...
Personally, Im cool with SeifAdmin whem Im testing stuff
But some of my friends say that "LAdmin" or "ExtremeAdmin" are better...
Or even more ...
So ...
I wanna ask you ...
What Admin scipt to you use your selves? and what scipt should I use ?
p.s. please dont insult any other scripts like "that sux" or anything like that ... just gimme a name :P

All of those you mentioned are good. Why don't you search in scripting-showrooms and see which one is the best for you?

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