[HELP]Cars Respawn

Hi, I created a BigRamp and I have fixed vehicle fall whit a Loading Object Timer. Now in the first time the command work good and there is all vehicle, but when I type the command again vehicle fall down and not respawn because they fall on the water. Can I set the time of that vehicle respawn?
Sry for my Bad English

EDIT: Maybe I can set that time whit seif_vehicles include, but I have an Error from That

\pawno\include\seif_vehicles.inc(423) : error 017: undefined symbol "sviID"
Can anyone send me compiled include file?

AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Floatpawn_x, Floatpawn_y, Floatpawn_z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay)

And looks like you didn't defined "sviID".

pawn Код:
new sviID;

Originally Posted by Luka[balkan-samp.com
pawn Код:
new sviID;
You can't know if "sviID" is function or variable. (yes, it's probably a variable, but it can be a function, too)

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Originally Posted by Luka[balkan-samp.com
pawn Код:
new sviID;
You can't know if "sviID" is function or variable. (yes, it's probably a variable, but it can be a function, too)
Yeah,i can`t,but usually it is a variable.

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