[Dini] Another Problem =\

is there a possible way to know to witch file some line is refer to?

like: "Car = 253 "
only one file from the folder "cars" can have this line, can i know witch one of them?

and why this is not creating a file ?

new string[256], s[256];

for (new i=100; i < 140; i++)
if (v[i] == 1)
dini_IntSet("/car/carids.txt", "car%d", i , 1);
else if (v[i] == 0) {
dini_IntSet("/car/carids.txt", "car%d", i , 0);

i putted it in game mode int

please this is important

Where did you learn about dini? Because you're using it all wrong, it's not the same as format..

dini_IntSet(filename[], key[], value)

dini_IntSet("/car/carids.txt", "car", id);

I'm not 100% what you're trying to save and where...

Read this: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=71935.0

I told you this yesterday.

well this is exactly the topic i was using,

what i tried to do is a file that have all the cars in the server that why i did "car%d"
and 1 = the car in not buyable
0 = the car is buyable

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