[Help] Random

I have already opened a topic but i open a new one coz it is hard to understand something in the last one

If i do to something random how can i know what selected?

Old topic : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=102517.0

"how can i know what selected?"
what do you mean?

you can store last random number into any global variable or array cell and every time you need you can see what number it was

I mean like this:

random of 1 and 2

if it will choose 1
then : Do something

if it will choose 2
then : Do something else...


pawn Код:
new rand;
rand = random(100); //0 - 100
if(rand <= 49) //50% chance there will be under 49
  //do something
else if(rand >= 50) //50 and up - 50% chance there will be higher
  //do something else
That will basically random a number from 0 to 100.


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