SM-MP GodFather Server HELP

So.. my post was deleted and i don't **** know why but i'll post one more time and this time i'm waiting for an answer!!!

1. My first problem with this server is .. that if i made my self leader of PD and i use /duty command its sayd to me "You are not a cop" if i /setteam id 2 (coz 2 is cop) and i'm trying again /duty command its says to me again same thing "You are not a cop" i've tryed this on other player i've made my self again leader or PD i've invite one player and then i was told him to use /duty command and its not working i've gived him /setteam id 2 and same answer its not working but him server is sending another message and that player told me that i have to ..can access the Locker and them tha /duty command will work but this problem i have only with cop faction other factions its work great!

2. And my 2and and last problem is .. that i cannot see connected players on my minimap/radar from the bottom left corner and i want to see players when they move on map like on other servers with job colors and all other ..

So if someone know how to resolve my problem post here but without spams and offtopics!

P.S: GodFather gamemode was downloaded from here

You have to post in the godfather thread

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