14.04.2019, 17:15
I want to ask a few advices and questions about MySQL:
1) If I call query and before delete the cache I call another query is there an possibility for confusion with the two caches? (for example I call mysql_query and before delete the cache I call mysql_pquery)
2) With mysql_tquery or mysql_pquery cache is delete automatically when you return 1 in the callback. But what happens if the query is UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE? With this query you doesn't use a callback, but there is still cache that return the amount of affected rows. So in this situation is the cache deleted automatically without using a callback and return 1?
3) Which way if faster for retrieving data from query - with using indexes (cache_get_value_index) or using names (cache_get_value_name)?
4) Is there a possibility for the cache not to be deleted, because of server crash? For example let's have this situation:
Is this situation possible or the cache always gets deleted?
5) I'm thinking which way is better for saving player achievements. I have two ideas:
Idea one: Use a field in the default user table to describe every achievement with 0 or 1 if it's locked or not. Example: 0 1 1 0 0 1. But for this idea I have to add a VARCHAR field with big size if the achievements are much and also when achievement is modified I need a loop for every achievement to concatenate the new string and in login I need another loop to split the string.
Idea two: Use another table with every row describes user id which achievement id unlocked. That means the table will have a lot of data and with every login in the server there will be a query for the login user id to look in the whole table which achievements ids is there.
So what idea is better or there is a better solution?
I want to ask a few advices and questions about MySQL:
1) If I call query and before delete the cache I call another query is there an possibility for confusion with the two caches? (for example I call mysql_query and before delete the cache I call mysql_pquery)
2) With mysql_tquery or mysql_pquery cache is delete automatically when you return 1 in the callback. But what happens if the query is UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE? With this query you doesn't use a callback, but there is still cache that return the amount of affected rows. So in this situation is the cache deleted automatically without using a callback and return 1?
3) Which way if faster for retrieving data from query - with using indexes (cache_get_value_index) or using names (cache_get_value_name)?
4) Is there a possibility for the cache not to be deleted, because of server crash? For example let's have this situation:
//Here I call a query //Here the server crashes //Here the cache is deleted, but we never get here, because server already crashed
5) I'm thinking which way is better for saving player achievements. I have two ideas:
Idea one: Use a field in the default user table to describe every achievement with 0 or 1 if it's locked or not. Example: 0 1 1 0 0 1. But for this idea I have to add a VARCHAR field with big size if the achievements are much and also when achievement is modified I need a loop for every achievement to concatenate the new string and in login I need another loop to split the string.
Idea two: Use another table with every row describes user id which achievement id unlocked. That means the table will have a lot of data and with every login in the server there will be a query for the login user id to look in the whole table which achievements ids is there.
So what idea is better or there is a better solution?