30.03.2019, 12:05
I have a problem.
A player with ID 0 will attach a trailer and a dialogue with the mission pops up. (Well)
A player with ID 1 will attach a trailer and do not show dialogue with the mission. (Wrong)
Why? How to fix it so that they show a dialogue with the mission for other IDs.
A player with ID 0 will attach a trailer and a dialogue with the mission pops up. (Well)
A player with ID 1 will attach a trailer and do not show dialogue with the mission. (Wrong)
Why? How to fix it so that they show a dialogue with the mission for other IDs.
new MissionStatus[MAX_PLAYERS]; enum mlInfo { TrailerID[10], TrailerMissionID, TrailerMissionStatus[15], TrailerMissionName[25], Float:TrailerMissionUnloadX, Float:TrailerMissionUnloadY, Float:TrailerMissionUnloadZ, TrailerMissionPayMoney, TrailerMissionPayScore } new TrailerMissionLocation[][mlInfo] = { {0, 0, "Legal", "Dillimore", 610.9240, -590.9404, 17.2266, 100, 1}, {1, 1, "Illegal", "El Quebrados", -1499.8832, 2533.9829, 55.6875, 200, 2} }; public OnGameModeInit() { SetTimer("OnTrailerUpdateXX", 1000, true); TrailerMissionLocation[0][TrailerID] = CreateVehicle(435, 2749.8076, 2628.5588, 11.4041, 206.2215, 1, 1, 60); // TrailerLV TrailerMissionLocation[1][TrailerID] = CreateVehicle(435, 2756.3267, 2628.5952, 11.4061, 206.6927, 1, 1, 60); // TrailerLV return 1; } forward OnTrailerUpdateXX(playerid, vehicleid); public OnTrailerUpdateXX(playerid, vehicleid) { new vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new string[250]; if(MissionStatus[playerid] == 0) { if(GetVehicleTrailer(vID) == TrailerMissionLocation[0][TrailerID]) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 700, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Info", "Mission 1", "Yes", "Cancel"); } else if(GetVehicleTrailer(vID) == TrailerMissionLocation[1][TrailerID]) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 701, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Info", "Mission 2", "Yes", "Cancel"); } } return 0; }