18.03.2019, 15:30
Последний раз редактировалось razorcrash; 18.03.2019 в 18:51.
Hello, I'm trying to put the cmd /procurados in dialog but it is giving these 3 errors .. I could not solve .. somebody can help me?
the code is this
those are the errors
I'm learning it still mess with it. Sorry if the mistake is stupid, but I'm learning.
the code is this
cmd:procurados(playerid) { if(IsACop(playerid)) { new StringCat[256]; strcat(StringCat, sizeof(StringCat),"- {FFFFFF}Atuais suspeitos procurados pelo(a) %s", OrgsNamesSmall[GetPlayerOrg(playerid)]); new lvlMin = 1, lvlMax = 999999; if(GetPlayerOrg(playerid) == TEAM_PM) { lvlMin = 5; lvlMax = 10; strcat(thestring, " (Level 5 а 10)", sizeof(thestring)); } else if(GetPlayerOrg(playerid) == TEAM_PF) { lvlMin = 5; lvlMax = 20; strcat(thestring, " (Level 5 а 20)", sizeof(thestring)); } else if(GetPlayerOrg(playerid) == TEAM_FA) { lvlMin = 10; strcat(thestring, " (Level 10+)", sizeof(thestring)); } else if(GetPlayerOrg(playerid) == TEAM_PCIVIL) { lvlMax = 5; strcat(thestring, " (Level 1 а 5)", sizeof(thestring)); } new bool:Found = false; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, thestring); foreach(new i: Player) { if(WantedPoints[i] >= lvlMin && WantedPoints[i] <= lvlMax) { strcat(StringCat, sizeof(StringCat),"- {FFFFFF}Elemento: %s(%d), Level %d.",PlayerGetName(i),i,WantedPoints[i]); Found = true; } } if(!Found) strcat(StringCat, sizeof(StringCat),"- {FFFFFF}Nenhum"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 4781, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Procurados BSL", StringCat, "Fechar","Ok"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERRO, "[Erro]: Vocк nгo й um PM / PF / FA / ROTA."); return true; }
BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64481) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64488) : loose indentation BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64494) : loose indentation BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64499) : loose indentation BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64504) : loose indentation BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64513) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64514) : loose indentation BSL\gamemodes\BSL.pwn(64518) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2016, ITB CompuPhase 3 Errors.