06.03.2019, 00:59
I want to move camera angle according to CameraLookAt
How I can? is it possible to do this?

How I can? is it possible to do this?
You still didn't really explain everything, is the camera supposed to scan back and forth? Explain.
I think you mean to:
For example you put in a camera, /placecamera Then you view that camera using something like /viewcamera. Now while viewing you wanna move/rotate it around yes? To look around? Then do something like OnPLayerKeyStateChange and detect arrow keys etc, move accordingly. Press up, camera goes up. Press down, camera view goes down. Press right, camera view rotates to a bit right. Press left, you know.. If you want this, I'm pretty sure this is possible. EDIT: But note this, this will be very dependent on the player's ping and can be laggy for high ping players. |