Looking for scripter

I am looking for a scripter who can help me with my server (for free, looking for someone who thinks they can get some fun out of this, and they will! :P) My server is a RP server, and i couldn't script if my life depended on it! so if anyone would like to help PM me or add me to MSN: SergiK@live.com

Thanks for your help in advance!


you can better advertise for looking a scripter then posting there for scripter, second, i guess no good programmer/string will work for free,

besides, request thread is wrong in itself, since another topic said if you wanna set up a team there, while the topic of this topic is diffrently, and not intended for making a team;

anyways, SergiKirov, if you want someone to help you for free, try to find people personally instead of posting,
(i speak out of experience ....)

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