Flight Time , Seconds to Minutes

Im resuming my flight script but ran into a problem.
The flighttime is set using

pawn Код:
FlightTime[player] = FLTime_LosSantos;
Or whatever city is chosen. On the top of my script i have:

pawn Код:
#define FLTime_LosSantos  70
#define FLTime_SanFierro  43
#define FLTime_LasVenturas 41

new FlightTime[MAX_PLAYERS];
pawn Код:
if(FlightTime[player] > 9)
          if(FlightTime[player] > 59 & < 120)
               Seconds = Minutes-FlightTime[player];
                     format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Flight Time: ~g~0%d:%d", Minutes, FlightTime[player]);
              } else {
                     format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Flight Time: ~g~00:%d", Minutes, FlightTime[player]);
} else {
          format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Flight Time: ~g~00:0%d", FlightTime[player]);
Now what i want is that if the seconds are above 60 like defined in FLTime_LosSantos (70 seconds), it will count + one minute, and then also displays the seconds. So like 01:10 it must display then.

The other code, is if the seconds are above 9 it wont display an extra 0, because if its below 9 (the seconds) it will do like: 00:05.

Can somebody help me with this?
Thanks a million.

flighttime[playerid]-(Minutes*60) is how you would get the seconds

The other code, is if the seconds are above 9 it wont display an extra 0, because if its below 9 (the seconds) it will do like: 00:05.
usings just %02d adds 2 '0's unless a number is presented, so if it's 0, you'll get 00, if it's 9 you'll get 09, if it's 10, you'll get 10

EDIT: Can you please correct my code?

Tired of posting this function, anyway..

pawn Код:
enum tc_method

stock TimeConvert(time, &dd, &hh, &mm=0, &ss=0, &ms=0, tc_method:method=tc_milliseconds)
  if (method == tc_milliseconds)
    ms = time % 1000;
    time = (time - ms)/1000;

    ss = time % 60;
    time = (time - ss)/60;

  else if (method == tc_seconds)
    ss = time % 60;
    time = (time - ss)/60;

  mm = time % 60;
  time = (time - mm)/60;

  hh = time % 24;
  time = (time - hh)/24;

  dd = time;
And for you it's just something like that:
pawn Код:
new minutes, seconds;
TimeConvert(FLTime_LosSantos, minutes, minutes, minutes, seconds, .method = tc_seconds);
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Flight Time: %02d:%02d", minutes, seconds);

This only displays 00:30

This is my code:

pawn Код:
if(FlightTime[player] > 9)
            new minutes, seconds;
            TimeConvert(FLTime_LosSantos, minutes, minutes, minutes, seconds, .method = tc_seconds);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Flight Time: %02d:%02d", minutes, seconds);
        } else {
          format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Flight Time: ~g~00:0%d", FlightTime[player]);
        GameTextForPlayer(player, string, 3000, 4);

my bad, i forgot that my function first set ms, ss, mm, then hh and dd (so the final value of minutes in the example would be in fact, the days..)

You have to create a dummy variable.
pawn Код:
new useless, minutes, seconds;
TimeConvert(FLTime_LosSantos, useless, useless, minutes, seconds, .method = tc_seconds);

Or, to avoid creating an extra unused variable (waste of memory), change the function header to:
pawn Код:
stock TimeConvert(time, &dd=0, &hh=0, &mm=0, &ss=0, &ms=0, tc_method:method=tc_milliseconds)
and then you can do like that:
pawn Код:
new minutes, seconds;
TimeConvert(FLTime_LosSantos, _, _, minutes, seconds, .method = tc_seconds);

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