Problem with radar blips

I have a problem from a long time ago.

Sometimes radar blips(squares or triangles in the edge of the radar) doesnt show, this happens without any specific patter and can happen with checkpoints and player markers.

For example i place a checkpoint:


Sometimes works normal, and sometimes the radar blip doesnt show, the checkpoint still exists, you can pick it without problema and can see it in the floor, but not the radar icon.

This is very strange and it's something I've been pursuing for a long time, I've searching the forum without an answer.

Any help is much appreciated.

Extra info:
>Server 0.3.7
>Plugins: BlueG mysql, incognito streamer, crashdetect,sscanf

I believe Horizon Roleplay has had this problem a long time ago. When a player uses /getmats or accepts a patient call, the checkpoint won't show up on the radar sometimes.

I don't exactly know how they fixed it, but I think it involved freezing and removing the player from the vehicle, changing the virtual world, setting the checkpoint again and putting him back in the default VW & vehicle(if he was driving any).

Still no idea why this happen...

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