What is the causes of the hover bug.

Hover Bug - A bug that is also known as "Desync". The hover bug is when you see another player as a still position and not doing any animation at all (Expect for reloading). So if you can't see that player doing any animation such as shooting, then you can't obviously see the bullets hes shooting at you so you can't get injured since you only take the damage from bullets you see not the bullets that you see your target hitting. And this often causes arguments and also mistaken bans.

I was curious to know what some of the causes of the hover bug are.

I know for sure that the knife weapon is one cause, and I am suspicious that vehicles might also cause the bug but am not completely sure.

Any ideas?

taht sumtimes happn to meh too!.. the desynced bug, i think u have do to /kill :> BUT TAH OTHR: srry idk know, and dont got any idea :<

Desync is usually caused by packetloss/packet corruption. The UDP protocol doesn't recover bad packets sent between server and client, so if a packet becomes corrupted then lag/desync occurs. (If that made no sense to you, then you can always check Wikipedia etc for info)

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