15.10.2018, 12:33
Hello comrades,
I am using y_ini for a few days now, and I can't kind of get to the bottom of this issue...
This code works PERFECTLY:
On the other hand this code DOESN'T WORK:
the problem comes, when it should be ready in the loop. In first code it works, in second it doesn't... so, my question out of all this is ... "Is it possible, that y_ini is not that fast, that it could reach the variable " gINFO[garageID][gPARKS];" in time, so it could be used in the loop?" (the rest of the second code works fine, btw)
Thank you all, RJ.
I am using y_ini for a few days now, and I can't kind of get to the bottom of this issue...
This code works PERFECTLY:
PHP код:
forward LoadHouse_data(houseID, name[], value[]);
public LoadHouse_data(houseID, name[], value[]){
hINFO[houseID][hID] = houseID ;
INI_Int ( "SOLD" , hINFO[houseID][hSOLD] );
INI_Int ( "PRICE" , hINFO[houseID][hPRICE] );
INI_Int ( "GC" , hINFO[houseID][hGC] );
INI_Int ( "SPAWN" , hINFO[houseID][hSPAWN] );
INI_Float ( "X" , hINFO[houseID][hX] );
INI_Float ( "Y" , hINFO[houseID][hY] );
INI_Float ( "Z" , hINFO[houseID][hZ] );
INI_String ( "OWNER" , hINFO[houseID][hOWNER] , 24 );
new lstr[12];
for(new g=0;g<hINFO[houseID][hGC];g++){
format(lstr, sizeof(lstr), "GARAGE%d", g);
INI_Int(lstr, hGARAGE[houseID][g]);
return 1;
PHP код:
forward LoadGarage_data(garageID, name[], value[]);
public LoadGarage_data(garageID, name[], value[]){
gINFO[garageID][gID] = garageID ;
INI_Int ( "PARKS" , gINFO[garageID][gPARKS] );
INI_Int ( "TYPE" , gINFO[garageID][gTYPE] );
INI_String ( "UP" , gINFO[garageID][gUP] , 24 );
INI_String ( "OWNER" , gINFO[garageID][gOWNER] , 24 );
INI_Int ( "HOUSE" , gINFO[garageID][gHOUSE] );
INI_Int ( "PRICE" , gINFO[garageID][gPRICE] );
INI_Int ( "SOLD" , gINFO[garageID][gSOLD] );
INI_Float ( "X" , gINFO[garageID][gX] );
INI_Float ( "Y" , gINFO[garageID][gY] );
INI_Float ( "Z" , gINFO[garageID][gZ] );
new lstr[12];
for(new p=0;p<gINFO[garageID][gPARKS];p++){
printf("VEH%d = %d", p, gVEH[garageID][p]);
format(lstr, sizeof(lstr), "VEH%d", p);
INI_Int(lstr, gVEH[garageID][p]);
return 1;
the problem comes, when it should be ready in the loop. In first code it works, in second it doesn't... so, my question out of all this is ... "Is it possible, that y_ini is not that fast, that it could reach the variable " gINFO[garageID][gPARKS];" in time, so it could be used in the loop?" (the rest of the second code works fine, btw)
Thank you all, RJ.