Checkpoint reward

Heyo,im new here,I started doing STUNT/DM/FREEROAM server,but I dont know how to make system,at the end of parkour,when player finish it,he get's,etc 15 score and 15k money....this are cordinates...1535.8688,-1353.1501,329.4570...I was looking for someone who knows PAWNO better then me,but no one knows how to do that.Thanks for reply!

You'll need to look at checkpoints and OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint, the others listed are also relevant.

OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint: Called when a player leaves a checkpoint.
OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint: Called when a player enters a race checkpoint.
OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint: Called when a player leaves a race checkpoint.

Obviously I don't know how your script looks but it'd be something like this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
    if(StartedRace[playerid] && RaceStep[playerid] == 6) // say 6 is the final step, idk
         // Code here (SetPlayerScore etc..)

use OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint and put this
PHP код:
if(racecp[playerid] == 2)

if that player has completed last lap of race he will achieved 100 scores and 1000$ money

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