09.06.2018, 10:26
Sometimes, mistakes in some codes can also lead to lots of warnings, so you check the compiler log and fix the errors that you've got, and then attempt to fix other errors that may pop up.
Your script will not compile if you've errors, but it'll still compile if you're warnings. So more priority should be given to the errors, this doesn't mean that you completely ignore them, but yet, as I said before in my first paragraph. -- This code is, in fact, wrong. sizeof can only be used for variables, not pre-processor defines. However, both are valid, i < sizeof HausInfo or i < MAX_HOUSES. Please think for a minute before you post. -- The code of yours @OP, is slow. You're running the loop the times of the MAX_HOUSES/ size of the House array, then you're converting the string (inputtext) to an integer and then comparing it, just convert the stuff beforehand you run the loop. PHP код:
However, there may be other errors in the code since I've just assumed some stuff on my own since I don't know what the original 'HausInfo' variable is. |
enum HausEnum { Float:hx, Float:hy, Float:hz, Float:ihx, Float:ihy, Float:ihz, hinterior, hbesitzer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], hid, hpickup, Text3D:htext, hpreis, hvirtualworld, locked }
new hausInfo[1000][HausEnum];