08.05.2018, 22:28
I have problem with 3DText on a Actor.
My command created actor with 3DText Desc and name on top Actor, but I shutdown my server and run again server, the actors not work because i show Desc but name not show.
Code public:
My command created actor with 3DText Desc and name on top Actor, but I shutdown my server and run again server, the actors not work because i show Desc but name not show.
Code public:
public LoadActors() { new uid, query[2048], i = 0; new string[128]; mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `srv_actors`"); mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result(); if(mysql_num_rows()) { if(mysql_num_rows() > MAX_ACTORS) print("[ERROR][ACTORS]"); while(mysql_fetch_row_format(query, "|") == 1) { sscanf(query, "p<|>d", uid); sscanf(query, "p<|>ds[32]s[128]ddffffddd", ActorCache[uid][aCUID], ActorCache[uid][aCName], ActorCache[uid][aCDesc], ActorCache[uid][aCSkin], ActorCache[uid][aCType], ActorCache[uid][aCPosX], ActorCache[uid][aCPosY], ActorCache[uid][aCPosZ], ActorCache[uid][aCPosA], ActorCache[uid][aCVW], ActorCache[uid][aCInt], ActorCache[uid][aCAnim]); i++; _AACTOR_COUNT = uid +1; CreateActor(ActorCache[uid][aCSkin], ActorCache[uid][aCPosX], ActorCache[uid][aCPosY], ActorCache[uid][aCPosZ], ActorCache[uid][aCPosA]); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (ID %d)", ActorCache[uid][aCName], uid); ActorCache[uid][aCNameTag] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, ActorCache[uid][aCNickColor], ActorCache[uid][aCPosX], ActorCache[uid][aCPosY], ActorCache[uid][aCPosZ]+1, 10.0); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", ActorCache[uid][aCDesc]); ActorCache[uid][aCDescTag] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_DO, ActorCache[uid][aCPosX], ActorCache[uid][aCPosY], ActorCache[uid][aCPosZ], 10.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, ActorCache[uid][aCVW], -1, -1, STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SD, STREAMER_TAG_AREA -1, 0); for(new anim_id = 1; anim_id < MAX_ANIMS; anim_id++) { if(AnimInfo[anim_id][aUID] == ActorCache[uid][aCAnim]) { ApplyActorAnimation(uid, AnimInfo[anim_id][aLib], AnimInfo[anim_id][aName], AnimInfo[anim_id][aSpeed], AnimInfo[anim_id][aOpt1], AnimInfo[anim_id][aOpt2], AnimInfo[anim_id][aOpt3], AnimInfo[anim_id][aOpt4], AnimInfo[anim_id][aOpt5]); } } } } mysql_free_result(); printf("[LOAD] Loading %d actors.", i); return 1; }