Pawn not loading Map properly HELP

i crated my MAP wih SAMP CONSTRUCTION then i got coding like this

CREATEOBJECT(--------, ---, ----,)
& one like this

i putt coding like "createobject" in OnGameModeUnit()


and coding like this "RemoveBuildingforPlayer" in OnPlayerConnect(playerid)

but when i start my server only lil bit of map shown i mean only like a created a grove base only this one shown other like other gangs bases are not shown

so please help me

It's definitely not Pawn doing this, as much as it will be your code, or configuration of the streamer, or your mapping, that will be causing this.

Now, as to your post, and the way of the forums here... No code, no help...

You can't exactly expect to get anything 'good' from straight out guesses.

One thing to check would be to put little print statements throughout the mapping code to find where the mapping is getting to.

Like a loading % indicator, and where ever it stops, it's around where that happened.

PHP код:
"First one done);

So u mean i paste my coding correct ?
+1 i ahve not put #include <streamer> on top but still map loads some codes

& what is this print is it necessery

Check your mapping, have you mixed using the streamer, and the native function, as that could cause trouble somewhere. All should be with one or the other for consistency.

And chuck a few prints in your code to see if it is stopping mid code, or if it's actually getting through it, and there's an issue with your code.

The print lines, are simply to see where your code is getting to, it's a simple debug method... You're trying to find out where exactly the code is getting to, and where it's stopping if it is, and this, will show it.

When the print line is executed, the server.log gets written to.

Should put a server.log up of a clean startup so we can see there aren't any errors being reported in there.

Bro TBH i didn't understand please can u make it clear that how it can be fixed ?

sorry Bro

This is not a fix, it's debugging... you're trying to find where your code is getting to, and all you need to do is put random prints into your code that's questionable, and see how many get shown, and where they all stop...

If you expect people to simply throw up fixes, be prepared to be stuck on a problem for months, and quite possibly multiple breakages from simply grabbing code blindly and throwing it in.

The first step of fixing something, is to figure out what is wrong. Many here don't, and you need to.

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