KickAss Roleplay []

After every storm there is sun, there have been countless storms raging over the SA-MP community for many years now, but not yet was there a constant beam of sunlight. With YOUR help, we may achieve the impossible and change the future of SA-MP. We are proud to announce the inevitable opening of our new hardcore PvP light roleplay server - KickAss Roleplay, KickAss Roleplay is a community like no other, featuring plenty of unique features and we offer a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone! Most importantly we are a server made by the players for the players, and we will with no doubt listen to you, our player, regarding the servers all-round development.

Let me lead you through some of our exotic features:

• On-Display Mobile Phone System
• Fully automated bus system
• Robbery at it's best - Rob stores/cash registers
• Interactive register/login system
• Dynamic payday system
• In-character advertisement system
• Revamped land system
• Dynamic weather system
• Dynamic house system - design your own interior!
• Dynamic business system - various types to choose from!
• Realistic economy
• Custom weapon damages
• Fun and exciting turf system
• Dynamic gang and faction system
• Cool and exotic maps around San Andreas
• and basically everything you expect from a full-fledged roleplay server!

The server’s script is continuously being enhanced by various bug fixes, exciting new additions and general improvements. There are many unique and exciting features within KickAss Roleplay - too many to even mention! We don’t want to spoil the surprises for you so you shall join us and experience them by yourself and with some friends!

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