07.03.2018, 09:38
Hello, I would like to know how to install a gamemode.pnw to read the included commands. I want to make a gamemode on include. I want the .pwn file to contain only #include from the game like #include <a_samp> # the definitions it needs, after compiling the .pwn extension to compile all the gamemode on include (.inc).
Something like this: https://i.imgur.com/xGs7QUK.png
after I have no idea how to make a include include reading from the \ pawn \ include \ myserver folder.
And how to do when compiling the .pwn to compile all of them include the \ pawn \ include \ myserver
I knew the code was something like that: #include <.... myserver \ x> but I do not know exactly how it was supposed to. If you have any idea, I owe it!
I just remember that in the .pwn extension you found just that. But I'm not sure that I wrote correctly to get my grocery store where I needed it
Something like this: https://i.imgur.com/xGs7QUK.png
after I have no idea how to make a include include reading from the \ pawn \ include \ myserver folder.
And how to do when compiling the .pwn to compile all of them include the \ pawn \ include \ myserver
I knew the code was something like that: #include <.... myserver \ x> but I do not know exactly how it was supposed to. If you have any idea, I owe it!
PHP код:
#include <a_samp>
#define SERVER_VERSION "RPG - BETA 1.00"
main() print("Script loaded" / myserver" SERVER_VERSION);
#include ....\myserver\x