How to set-up an include server.

Hello, I would like to know how to install a gamemode.pnw to read the included commands. I want to make a gamemode on include. I want the .pwn file to contain only #include from the game like #include <a_samp> # the definitions it needs, after compiling the .pwn extension to compile all the gamemode on include (.inc).
Something like this:

after I have no idea how to make a include include reading from the \ pawn \ include \ myserver folder.
And how to do when compiling the .pwn to compile all of them include the \ pawn \ include \ myserver
I knew the code was something like that: #include <.... myserver \ x> but I do not know exactly how it was supposed to. If you have any idea, I owe it!
PHP код:
#include <a_samp>
#define SERVER_VERSION "RPG - BETA 1.00"
main() print("Script loaded" myserver" SERVER_VERSION);
#include ....\myserver\x 
I just remember that in the .pwn extension you found just that. But I'm not sure that I wrote correctly to get my grocery store where I needed it

Why dont you create the systems as includes,place them in pawno includes and then simply use #include x
And compile gm?

Originally Posted by PepsiCola23
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Why dont you create the systems as includes,place them in pawno includes and then simply use #include x
And compile gm?
I know what you say, I thought about it, but I want to make a gamemode YCMD / YSI after this model:

And those files and contain 2 codes that when compiling .pwn
Compile all the .inc systems that you have or are already in gamemodes. And I do not know what code to write in and to compile everything to me.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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First of all, avoid writing your gamemode code in `pawno/include` - this directory is for libraries, external packages of code. It would get confusing when explaining this when asking for help as it's not a standard thing to do. Keep your gamemode code in the `gamemodes/` folder.

For an example of a modular gamemode, check out this: (I linked to an include example).

Here, I'm using `#include "filepath.extension"` not `#include <filename>` and the path between the " character refers to the relative path from the `gamemodes/` directory. Check this for an example:
I know what you say, I thought about it, but I want to make a gamemode YCMD / YSI after this model:

And those files and contain 2 codes that when compiling .pwn
Compile all the .inc systems that you have or are already in gamemodes. And I do not know what code to write in and to compile everything to me.

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