11.11.2017, 17:41
GamerX Server 0.3.7 - Since 2006
[Deathmatch - Stunts - Races - Player Objects - Freeroam - Minigames - Numerous Events]
Weblink: www.gamerxserver.com
Forum: http://gamerxserver.com/forum/forum.php
IRC: pool.irc.tl (#gamerx | #gamerx-chat)
GamerX Discord: https://discord.gg/cnSwMEq
(Note: GamerX has 2500+ commands so you will want to check the link below for the list of commands available)
Commands: http://gamerxserver.com/downloads/GamerX-Commands.txt
Originally created by Phantom and Matite, the server has been online since the early days of SA:MP in 2006. Shortly after the server started Phantom left due to personal reasons and Matite (a well known SA:MP legend and member of the beta team) developed GamerX into what we know today. The gamemode code was written by Matite with Rick and Ez. The server is owned by Rick at present. Here at GamerX we have a variety of game play features which include events, racing, minigames, combat zones, goo hunts, duels, pursuits, awesome stunt objects, many places to DM and the ability to make player object sets. More features are added all the time as can be seen here!.
Promotional Trailer
GamerX Community
GamerX Community definately is among the hundreds of famous SA-MP server but what stands GamerX apart from other SA-MP communities is the friendly and welcoming atmosphere that our fellow Players and Admins maintain and always delivering their best to guide new players and help them be one of the regular players. Our public chat sections are moderated by admins most of the time so you wont have a hard time dealing with troll assholes, also you wont be disappointed when you'll ask even the simplest question as you will be assisted by our helpful team of Trusted Players who can be also called "Helpers" that are ever ready to help. You wont find level 1 players or admins standing behind at helping either, all in all we work as a team to bring the best out of this community.
Why GamerX?
Let me first start with the features that GamerX has to offer for its players.• Deathmatch: GamerX is a primarily a freeroam / deathmatch server which means you are allowed to kill players as much as you want except for some times when the Admins might prohibit it for certain places due to a reason like special events (example: Hidden Pickup a.k.a Goo in GamerX). There are list of minigames where you can deathmatch (/minigames) and you can duel a particular player choosing a particular map for the duel and particular weapon or set of weapon using a command (/duel). Not only that you can also start and manage a groupduel of more than two players in the same map and virtual world.
• Races: GamerX also features a great racing system which is pretty advanced as well, there are hundreds of custom built races (most of which are mapped by our players). Basic commands for racers are (/join, /lastcheckpoint, /raceinfo, /racehelp, /buildracehelp, /racers, /top10 and many more). "/buildracehelp" is the key command if a player wants to create a race which an admin can later add and create an official race which can be publicly joined later. Not only that, the races in GamerX are auto loaded by the system which don't require you to have an Admin to load it manually everytime. But if you are keen to play a particular race then you can always request an admin to load the particular race by suggesting its name. Thats not the end, we also have a race system for two players only, meaning that you can invite a player to RACE you with the command "/race [playerid]" which is self explanatory.

Video of a race: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w0CsRrNDxM
• Property System: Want to earn some money? Then invest some of your funds into buying properties in San Andreas. You will then earn money every minute while you spend your time here. Each player can own up to 30 properties for a 30 minute period during which nobody else can buy your property (unless you decide to sell it). After 30 minutes have passed you can sell and re-buy your properties again to continue earning. If you own the maximum of 30 properties you will also earn a bonus cake. If you are online when your property is purchased by another player (after the 30 minute non-buyable period) then you will get a full refund of the purchase price making it easy to earn lots of money!

• Minigames (Events and Unique deathmatch maps):There are tons of event and deathmatch maps in GamerX. There exists events like Capture the Flag, Seige Event, Fallout Event Derby Event, Sumo Event, Goo Event (Hidden Pickup worth rewards) and the list goes on. The EVENT system is just like Race system which meants its auto loaded by the system and auto started meaning you don't require an admin everytime you want to play an event. Some basic player commands for events are (/event, /eventinfo, /playersinevent / /respawnevent, /eventrules, /eventhelp, etc). This was about "Events" now lets come to the minigames which list can be seen along with its joining commands with the help of "/minigames" command which should look like below:

For example if i want to goto Minigun Minigame i would type /mg1 /mg2 /mg3 /mg4 /mg5 /mg6, hope its understandable with the commands itself. It doesn't end here we also have drift minigames that actually records your drift points depending how good you are drifting. It is one of the /challenges available.
• Chase: Chase is one of the unique and a fun minigame that GamerX has to offer for its players. In a chase minigame a "crook" set by the chase organiser is assumed to be the escaper/runner who is supposed to be chased by the numerous COP's and the goal for the COP's is to total the crooks or escapers car before the time runs out (which is also set by the chase organiser at the start). If the crooks car isn't destroyed till the time runs out then the crook wins else the cops will win. A video of chase gameplay in GamerX:
- Chase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wclfnbbmfHY
• Stunts: There a tons of location if you are the "stunt" type of a player, there are stunt zones available at all four airports around San Andreas. And if thats not enough you can build your own stunt empire using in game Mapping function, (/pobhelp regarding help with player objects that can be created and edited in game). /stunts, /stunts2 are the commands if you into doing stunts. Plus most of the teleport commands will be listed with the /teles or /t or /teleports command!
• Player Objects: Player Objects feature is one of the greatest thing i've seen in GamerX. We can create Player Objects and edited it so we could transform it to almost anything we actually want to build. For example: a villa, crib, spongebobs statute?, or any stunt drift areas, and the list will go on and on. Here i have listed the commands thats just for Player Objects and thats a lot, meaning theres a lot to expect regarding the possibilities of unique creations with player objects.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Object Commands ---------------------- /cpo Allows a player to create a player object using the specified object model id /createplayerobject Allows a player to create a player object using the specified object model id /spo Allows a player to select a player object for editing /selectplayerobject Allows a player to select a player object for editing /tpo Allows a player to view their total player object count /totalplayerobjects Allows a player to view their total player object count /dpo Allows a player to delete a player object if they created it /deleteplayerobject Allows a player to delete a player object if they created it /dapo Allows a player to delete all of their player object they created /deleteallplayerobjects Allows a player to delete all of their player object they created /udpo Allows a player to restore their last deleted player object /undeleteplayerobject Allows a player to restore their last deleted player object /undodeleteplayerobject Allows a player to restore their last deleted player object /gpo Allows a player to teleport to a player object they have previously created /gotoplayerobject Allows a player to teleport to a player object they have previously created /glpo Allows a player to teleport to their last created player object number (if previously created) /gotolastplayerobject Allows a player to teleport to their last created player object number (if previously created) /dlpo Allows a player to delete their last created player object number (if previously created) /deletelastplayerobject Allows a player to delete their last created player object number (if previously created) /npo Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /nearestplayerobject Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /clpo Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /closestplayerobject Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /ppo Allows a player to position one of their player objects in front of themself at the specified distance /positionplayerobject Allows a player to position one of their player objects in front of themself at the specified distance /sapo Allows a player to save a player object set to the filename specified /spos Allows a player to save a player object set to the filename specified /saveplayerobjectset Allows a player to save a player object set to the filename specified /lpos Allows a player to load a player object set that has previously been saved /loadplayerobjectset Allows a player to load a player object set that has previously been saved /lpo Allows a player to load the player objects created by another player (they are added to any exising player objects) /loadplayerobjects Allows a player to load the player objects created by another player (they are added to any exising player objects) /rpo Allows a player to delete all of their player objects and load another players objects /refreshplayerobjects Allows a player to delete all of their player objects and load another players objects /fpo Allows an admin to force another player to load their player objects /forceplayerobjects Allows an admin to force another player to load their player objects /dupo Allows a player to duplicate one of their player objects at the specified X, Y and Z offsets /duplicateplayerobject Allows a player to duplicate one of their player objects at the specified X, Y and Z offsets /lapo Allows a player to view their last created object number and id (if previously created) /lastplayerobject Allows a player to view their last created object number and id (if previously created) /epo Allows a player to edit or stop editing a player object /editplayerobject Allows a player to edit or stop editing a player object /editplayerobject2 Allows a player to edit a player object using the SA-MP 0.3e feature /epo2 Allows a player to edit a player object using the SA-MP 0.3e feature /selectobject2 Allows a player to enter selection mode where they can click on objects or view their details /so2 Allows a player to enter selection mode where they can click on objects or view their details /editholdingobject Allows a player to edit a holding object /eho Allows a player to edit a holding object /spom Allows a player to edit the model id of an object they have selected /setplayerobjectmodel Allows a player to edit the model id of an object they have selected /gpom Allows a player to get the material (texture) settings previously used on a player object with the /spoma command /gpoma Allows a player to get the material (texture) settings previously used on a player object with the /spoma command /getplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to get the material (texture) settings previously used on a player object with the /spoma command /cpom Allows a player to copy the specified material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /cpoma Allows a player to copy the specified material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /copyplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to copy the specified material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /capom Allows a player to copy all material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /capoma Allows a player to copy all material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /copyallpobmaterials Allows a player to copy all material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /rpom Allows a player to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and material index to return them to the defaults /rpoma Allows a player to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and material index to return them to the defaults /removeplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and material index to return them to the defaults /rapom Allows a player to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and return them to the defaults /rapoma Allows a player to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and return them to the defaults /removeallplayerobjectmater Allows a player to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and return them to the defaults /spoma Allows a player to set the material (texture) and or color on a player object /setplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to set the material (texture) and or color on a player object /tpobs Allows a player to enable or disable sharing of their player objects /togglepobsharing Allows a player to enable or disable sharing of their player objects /sporx Allows a player to set the RX value for one of their player objects /setplayerobjectrotationx Allows a player to set the RX value for one of their player objects /spory Allows a player to set the RY value for one of their player objects /setplayerobjectrotationy Allows a player to set the RY value for one of their player objects /sporz Allows a player to set the RZ value for one of their player objects /setplayerobjectrotationz Allows a player to set the RZ value for one of their player objects /spoox Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the X plane /setplayerobjectoffsetx Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the X plane /spooy Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Y plane /setplayerobjectoffsety Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Y plane /spooz Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Z plane /setplayerobjectoffsetz Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Z plane /sapoox Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the X plane /setallplayerobjectsoffsetx Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the X plane /sapooy Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Y plane /setallplayerobjectsoffsety Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Y plane /sapooz Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Z plane /setallplayerobjectsoffsetz Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Z plane
• Donator Status: Want some addition fancy features with a "Donator" tag in our vBulletin Forum? The generous Owners are offering the Donator Status for as low as $5, and you will rock the following features:
1. /Setmycustomcolour command so donators can set their colour of their choice (any hex code).
2. Will be listed on /donators list in game when online.
3. The text labels over Donators nickname will be flashing and changing colors each second.
4. The cars of donator will change color each second and can be disabled enabled from players /panel and more to come soon.
• Trusted Player / TP (Level 2): Trusted Players are level 2 players who have access to some additional cooler commands and also as the Title suggests they are Trust Worthy enough in admin eyes. This status can be applied for once you meet the requirements. Features of trusted players includes; creation of hidden pickup, setting custom spawn, forum rank/status of "Trusted Player", official helpers, can start roadtrips, will have a unique color restricted to only TP's, They have their own chat ingame, they can enable godmod, they have access to /ts command to disable spec for themselves (has restrictions) and some more. Any level higher than level 2 are Admin Levels.
• Letter Player Object: Theres another awesome feature which allows us to write letters with specified objects, [Command: /cpol (text here)]. And then there are tons of command for modification that you want to apply, following list will clear up.
Letter Player Object Commands ----------------------------- /dapl Allows a player to delete all of the letter player objects they have previously created /deleteallplayerletters Allows a player to delete all of the letter player objects they have previously created /sl Allows a player to save all of the letter player objects they have previously created to a file /sapl Allows a player to save all of the letter player objects they have previously created to a file /saveallplayerletters Allows a player to save all of the letter player objects they have previously created to a file /splo Allows a player to set the distance in front of the player that letter player objects are created /setplayerletteroffset Allows a player to set the distance in front of the player that letter player objects are created /spla Allows a player to set the angle used between each letter when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterangle Allows a player to set the angle used between each letter when creating letter player objects /spls Allows a player to set the spacing used between each letter when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterspacing Allows a player to set the spacing used between each letter when creating letter player objects /sploid Allows a player to set the object id used for each letter when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterobjectid Allows a player to set the object id used for each letter when creating letter player objects /splxym Allows a player to set the XY multiplier used when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterxymultip Allows a player to set the XY multiplier used when creating letter player objects /splzm Allows a player to set the Z multiplier used when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterzmultiplier Allows a player to set the Z multiplier used when creating letter player objects /cpol Allows a player to create the specified text using player objects /createplayerobjectletters Allows a player to create the specified text using player objects /plhelp Allows a player to view a dialog with help and information about letter player objects /playerletterhelp Allows a player to view a dialog with help and information about letter player objects /playerlettershelp Allows a player to view a dialog with help and information about letter player objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Vehicle Features (/vmhelp): There is a feature that allows us to set vehicle action for three of the buttons which are Primary fire button, Secondary fire button and horn button with /sfm, /ssfm /shm command respectively, and there are number of features to choose from the list like Speed Boost, Directional Speed Boost, Vehicle Spin, Color Change, and some more features.
Some SNAPSHOT's from the Server.
• Player panel accessible with /panel command.

• Player textdraw stats accessible with /track2 or /tr2 command. (/tr or /track command is an alternate stats command with a little more info)

• Stunt Objects at SF Airport (/GASF, /GA)

• Ranks

• Events (Each of those events have numerous individual maps)

Teleports textdraw (/teles, /t, /teleports)

Creation of a holding object (toy) [Command: /myholdingobject or /mho]

Players ready-steady for a race which was about to start.