Player Textdraws

Hey guys, I was just starting to break into player text draws and playing with them. I am getting into some more complex type designs while learning and I was curious the best ways of handling large amounts of player text draws.

If I have several complex systems with them, Is it better to flesh them out and keep to the player limit, Or is there another way to manage large amounts of text draws over the limit? Is it feasible to create / destroy them as you need them. And if not, does the limit count from all of them that are created or is it counted off of how many are currently being shown?

Thank you ahead of time!

Anybody have any input for me?

It depends upon the maximum number of textdraws that are being initialized during OnPlayerConnect[for playertextdraws] and OnGameModeInit[global textdraws]. Even if you have pasted the textdraw codes on gamemode, they will not be counted as long as you are not initializing them on OnPlayerConnect or OnGamemodeInit

And you can destroy a textdraw TextDrawDestroy when its no longer needed to increase the limit

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