[HELP]GameMode Problems

Hi all, my friends made a GM for me, but when i start a server whit it, I receive a error: Runtime error 20: "Invalid index parameter" <bad entry point>

I have Upload the GM Here: http://www.megaupload.com/it/?d=CS6BMDY3

Please Help Me, I have bought a server for 2 Week, and I don't want to buy a server for nothing. з_з

P.S. Sorry for my Bad English, I'm italian

You need to put
before you OnGameModeInit

Thx you a lot, Now Its work, But I Have a strange error: when I put it in the host directory, and i tried to start server whit LAdmin script or another Admin script, the server crash. If I tryed to open a server no-hosted it runs correctly with the script. I Don't think is a conflict because the GM dosen't have an Admin Script in there

Hmm. I have same problem with delux host, if i add admin filterscript it crashes.

Me Too, When i Tryed To upload any FS The Server Crashes, i Used gSell Hosting, an italian Hosting

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Same here. Thats why I moved to a better host.

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