Compiler stopped!

Hello, today I compiled my gamemode and it said Compiler Library has stopped working.
I mean WHAT THE FUCK...... I lost my whole script on which I wasted too much time and worked hard
PLEASE Someone help about this, I really want my gamemode back!

Try to compile with different Tool.

Did it already, still same problem. problem not occur when I compile any different gamemode

Anyone help me PLEASE

Check you aren't missing braces ({ }) and look at what you've done prior to this happening.

This is why you should be backing up your script to the last known good state, and if you do have a backup, use windiff to see where and what has changed.

More people should start using Git. Someone should do a tutorial on that. I'd write it myself but I'm not that familiar with all the technicalities and extra options.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Check you aren't missing braces ({ }) and look at what you've done prior to this happening.

This is why you should be backing up your script to the last known good state, and if you do have a backup, use windiff to see where and what has changed.

I had already backed up my script looong time ago so its good. thanks by the way for help

I have noticed compiler is crashing for some reason after the latest Win 10 update (Creators Update), however I wasted almost an hour searching for missing brackets in my script. After I set compatibility to Win 7 to pawncc.exe, the compiler works again!

Try to run the pawno as administrator.

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