[LEER] Ajustar funcion

Hola pasa que no soy capaz de acomodar el WeaponDrop (armas en el suelo mediante pickup) en mi GM, quiero hacer que solo el team HUMANOS pueda recoger el arma y los zombies no, aqui va el cуdigo y mis variables por si alguien es tan amable de acomodar:
#define TEAM_HUMANOS 0
#define TEAM_ZOMBIES 2
* Filterscript WeaponDrop - Un buen FS para tu servidor. C:                                             *
*                                                                                                       *
*                                                                                                       *
* Creditos: Creador: Jeffry  Editado: Lays їQue ise ? arregle unos errores y warning que tenia.         *
*                                                                                                       *
* їQue Hacer este Filterscript[FS]?                                                                     *
*                                                                                                       *
* -Bueno Este FS lo que hace es unico, Que tu al morir Caen tus armas a el suelo y otro la puede agarrar*
*                                                                                                       *
* -No tiene Errores No tiene Warning ta Full.                                                           *
* -No Nesecita mas nada que el include que les deje.                                                    *
* -Algunas Partes tan en espaсol Ya Que lo traduci del ingles a espaсol.                                *
*                                                                                                       *
* Muchisimas Gracias Por leer esto.                                                                     *
* Otra Cosa, Por favor Si vas a postearlo Por lo menos dar los creditos C:                              *
*                                                                                                       *
#include <a_samp>
//-------------------------Definiciones que usted puede cambiar---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define WEAPON_RESPAWN_TIME 30                    // Esto es el tardar De las armas floten en el piso.
#define MONEY_BAG_MONEY          0                       // -1 = Bolsa de dinero en con todo el jugador de dinero 0 = bolsa de dinero OFF = 1 + bolsa de dinero en la cantidad dada.
#define MONEY_BAG_MODE       0              // 1 = El dinero viene del jugador matado 0 = El dinero viene desde el servidor.
new ForbiddenWeapons[]= { 38, 44, 45 };    // Aquн hay que aсadir identificadores de armas que no desee que se crearб.
//-------------------------Fin de las definiciones------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//=============las Variables====================================================
new WeaponDrop[MAX_PLAYERS][14];
new WeaponData[MAX_PLAYERS][14][3];
new WeaponTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
new BagMoney = MONEY_BAG_MONEY;
new BagMode = MONEY_BAG_MODE;

//=============Los Callbacks====================================================
public OnFilterScriptInit()
        return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
        OnWeaponDropPickup(playerid, pickupid);
        return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
        return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
        if(OnWeaponDropCommand(playerid, cmdtext) == 1) return 1;
        return 0;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
        return 1;

//=============las Funciones====================================================
stock OnWeaponDropInit()
        for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                for(new a=0; a<14; a++)
                    WeaponDrop[i][a] = -1;
                    WeaponData[i][a][0] = -1;
                    WeaponData[i][a][1] = -1;
                    WeaponData[i][a][2] = -1;
                WeaponTimer[i] = -1;
        print("[FS] WeaponDrop v1.1 By Lays loaded!");
        return 1;

stock OnWeaponDropPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                for(new a=0; a<13; a++)
                    if(WeaponDrop[i][a] == pickupid && WeaponData[i][a][2] == world)
                        WeaponDrop[i][a] = -1;
                        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, WeaponData[i][a][0], WeaponData[i][a][1]);
                        WeaponData[i][a][0] = -1;
                        WeaponData[i][a][1] = -1;
                if(WeaponDrop[i][13] == pickupid)
                WeaponDrop[i][13] = -1;
                GivePlayerMoney(playerid, WeaponData[i][13][0]);
                WeaponData[i][13][0] = -1;
                WeaponData[i][13][1] = -1;

stock OnWeaponDrop(playerid)
        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, dropped;
        new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
        for(new i=0; i<13; i++)
            new weapon, ammo;
            GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, weapon, ammo);
            if((ammo > 0 || weapon == 1) && weapon != 0)
                        new model = GetModel(weapon);
                        if(model != -1)
                        WeaponData[playerid][i][0] = weapon;
                        WeaponData[playerid][i][1] = ammo;
                        WeaponData[playerid][i][2] = world;
        if(BagMoney != 0)
                        if(BagMoney == -1 && GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > 0)
                        WeaponData[playerid][13][0] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
                        if(BagMode) GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -WeaponData[playerid][13][0]);
                        WeaponDrop[playerid][13] = CreatePickup(1550, 1, x, y, z);
                        if(dropped <= 0) dropped=1;
                        if(BagMoney > 0)
                        WeaponData[playerid][13][0] = BagMoney;
                        if(BagMode) GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -WeaponData[playerid][13][0]);
                        WeaponDrop[playerid][13] = CreatePickup(1550, 1, x, y, z);
                        if(dropped <= 0) dropped=1;
        if(dropped > 0)
            new radius;
            if(dropped < 3) radius = 1;
            if(dropped < 6) radius = 2;             //* Si desea otro radio, cambiar aquн. * //
            if(dropped < 9) radius = 3;
            if(dropped > 8) radius = 4;
            new Float:degree, Float:tmp;
            degree = 360.0 / (float(dropped));
            tmp = degree;
            if(WeaponTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(WeaponTimer[playerid]);
            WeaponTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RemovePickups", WEAPON_RESPAWN_TIME*1000, 0, "d", playerid);
            for(new i=0; i<13; i++)
                    if((WeaponData[playerid][i][1] > 0 || WeaponData[playerid][i][0] == 1) && WeaponData[playerid][i][0] > 0)
                                new model = GetModel(WeaponData[playerid][i][0]);
                                if(model != -1)
                                    WeaponDrop[playerid][i] = CreatePickup(model, 1, x+(floatsin(degree, degrees)*radius), y+(floatcos(degree, degrees)*radius), z, world);
                                    degree = degree + tmp;
        return 1;
stock OnWeaponDropCommand(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/dropweapon", true, 11))
                if((strlen(cmdtext[11]) && cmdtext[11] == ' ') || !strlen(cmdtext[11]))
                    if(strlen(cmdtext[11]) && cmdtext[11] == ' ' && !strlen(cmdtext[12])) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Usage: /dropweapon [ammo]");
                    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
                    if(x > 4095.0 || x < -4095.0 || y > 4095.0 || y < -4095.0 || z > 4095.0 || z < -4095.0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: You can not drop any weapons here, because pickups do not show here anymore (SA-MP issue).");
                    new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
                    new weapon, ammo, dropped, i = GetWeaponSlot(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid));
                    GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, weapon, ammo);
                    if(weapon == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: Usted no estб sosteniendo un arma.");
                    new dammo;
                    if(strval(cmdtext[11]) == 0) dammo = 0;
                        else dammo = strval(cmdtext[12]);
                    if(strlen(cmdtext[12])) if(dammo < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: municiуn no vбlido.");
                    if(dammo > ammo) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: Usted no tiene mucha municiуn.");
                    if(dammo == 0) dammo = ammo;
                    if((ammo > 0 || weapon == 1) && weapon != 0)
                                new model = GetModel(weapon);
                                if(model != -1)
                                WeaponData[playerid][i][0] = weapon;
                                WeaponData[playerid][i][1] = dammo;
                                WeaponData[playerid][i][2] = world;
                    if(dropped > 0)
                                if(WeaponDrop[playerid][i] != -1)
                                WeaponDrop[playerid][i] = -1;
                                if(WeaponTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(WeaponTimer[playerid]);
                                WeaponTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RemovePickups", WEAPON_RESPAWN_TIME*1000, 0, "d", playerid);
                                if((WeaponData[playerid][i][1] > 0 || WeaponData[playerid][i][0] == 1) && WeaponData[playerid][i][0] > 0)
                                        new model = GetModel(WeaponData[playerid][i][0]);
                                        if(model != -1)
                                            new Float:a;
                                            GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);
                                            WeaponDrop[playerid][i] = CreatePickup(model, 1, x+(floatsin(-a, degrees)*2), y+(floatcos(-a, degrees)*2), z, world);
                        else return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00FFFF,"ERROR: No se puede eliminar esta arma.");
                    new u_savedweapon[13], u_savedammo[13];
                    for(new a=0; a<13; a++) GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, a, u_savedweapon[a], u_savedammo[a]);
                    u_savedammo[i] -= dammo;
                    new string[128];
                    format(string, 128, "[Weapon] You have successfully dropped your %s with %d bullet(s).", GetJ_WeaponName(weapon), dammo);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, string);
                    for(new a=0; a<13; a++) if(u_savedammo[a]!=0) GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, u_savedweapon[a], u_savedammo[a]);
                    if(dammo == ammo) SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid,0);
                    else SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid,weapon);
                    return 1;
    return 0;

stock OnWeaponDropExit()
        for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                WeaponTimer[i] = -1;
        print("[FS] WeaponDrop v1.1 by Lays unloaded!");
        return 1;

stock GetModel(weaponid)
        for(new i=0; i<sizeof(ForbiddenWeapons); i++)
                if(weaponid == ForbiddenWeapons[i])
                        return -1;
            case 1: return 331;
            case 2: return 333;
            case 3: return 334;
            case 4: return 335;
            case 5: return 336;
            case 6: return 337;
            case 7: return 338;
            case 8: return 339;
            case 9: return 341;
            case 10: return 321;
            case 11: return 322;
            case 12: return 323;
            case 13: return 324;
            case 14: return 325;
            case 15: return 326;
            case 16: return 342;
            case 17: return 343;
            case 18: return 344;
            case 22: return 346;
            case 23: return 347;
            case 24: return 348;
            case 25: return 349;
            case 26: return 350;
            case 27: return 351;
            case 28: return 352;
            case 29: return 353;
            case 30: return 355;
            case 31: return 356;
            case 32: return 372;
            case 33: return 357;
            case 34: return 358;
            case 35: return 359;
            case 36: return 360;
            case 37: return 361;
            case 38: return 362;
            case 39: return 363;
            case 40: return 364;
            case 41: return 365;
            case 42: return 366;
            case 43: return 367;
            case 44: return 368;
            case 45: return 369;
            case 46: return 371;
                default: return -1;
        return -1;

forward RemovePickups(playerid);
public RemovePickups(playerid)
        if(WeaponTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(WeaponTimer[playerid]);
        WeaponTimer[playerid] = -1;
        for(new a=0; a<14; a++)
            if(WeaponDrop[playerid][a] != -1)
                WeaponDrop[playerid][a] = -1;
                WeaponData[playerid][a][0] = -1;
                WeaponData[playerid][a][1] = -1;
                WeaponData[playerid][a][2] = -1;
        return 1;

stock GetWeaponSlot(weaponid)
                case 0,1: return 0;
                case 2..9: return 1;
                case 22..24: return 2;
                case 25..27: return 3;
                case 28,29,32: return 4;
                case 30,31: return 5;
                case 33,34: return 6;
                case 35..38: return 7;
                case 16..18,39: return 8;
                case 41..43: return 9;
                case 10..15: return 10;
                case 44..46: return 11;
                case 40: return 12;
                default: return -1;
        return -1;

stock GetJ_WeaponName(id)
    new wName[32];
            case 0: wName="Fist";
            case 1: wName="Brass Knuckles";
            case 2: wName="Golf Club";
            case 3: wName="Night Stick";
            case 4: wName="Knife";
            case 5: wName="Baseball Bat";
            case 6: wName="Shovel";
            case 7: wName="Pool Cue";
            case 8: wName="Katana";
            case 9: wName="Chainsaw";
            case 10: wName="Purple Dildo";
            case 11: wName="Small White Vibrator";
            case 12: wName="Large White Vibrator";
            case 13: wName="Silver Vibrator";
            case 14: wName="Flowers";
            case 15: wName="Cane";
            case 16: wName="Grenade";
            case 17: wName="Tear Gas";
            case 18: wName="Molotov Cocktail";
            case 22: wName="9mm";
            case 23: wName="Silenced 9mm";
            case 24: wName="Desert Eagle";
            case 25: wName="Shotgun";
            case 26: wName="Sawnoff Shotgun";
            case 27: wName="Combat Shotgun";
            case 28: wName="Micro SMG";
            case 29: wName="MP5";
            case 30: wName="AK 47";
            case 31: wName="M4";
            case 32: wName="Tec 9";
            case 33: wName="Country Rifle";
            case 34: wName="Sniper Rifle";
            case 35: wName="Rocket Launcher";
            case 36: wName="HS Rocket Launcher";
            case 37: wName="Flamethrower";
            case 38: wName="Minigun";
            case 39: wName="Satchel Charge";
            case 40: wName="Detonator";
            case 41: wName="Spraycan";
            case 42: wName="Fire Extinguiser";
            case 43: wName="Camera";
            case 44: wName="Night Vision Goggles";
            case 45: wName="Thermal Goggles";
            case 46: wName="Parachute";
    return wName;

Originally Posted by Matyaas
Посмотреть сообщение
Hola pasa que no soy capaz de acomodar el WeaponDrop (armas en el suelo mediante pickup) en mi GM, quiero hacer que solo el team HUMANOS pueda recoger el arma y los zombies no, aqui va el cуdigo y mis variables por si alguien es tan amable de acomodar:
#define TEAM_HUMANOS 0
#define TEAM_ZOMBIES 2
* Filterscript WeaponDrop - Un buen FS para tu servidor. C:                                             *
*                                                                                                       *
*                                                                                                       *
* Creditos: Creador: Jeffry  Editado: Lays їQue ise ? arregle unos errores y warning que tenia.         *
*                                                                                                       *
* їQue Hacer este Filterscript[FS]?                                                                     *
*                                                                                                       *
* -Bueno Este FS lo que hace es unico, Que tu al morir Caen tus armas a el suelo y otro la puede agarrar*
*                                                                                                       *
* -No tiene Errores No tiene Warning ta Full.                                                           *
* -No Nesecita mas nada que el include que les deje.                                                    *
* -Algunas Partes tan en espaсol Ya Que lo traduci del ingles a espaсol.                                *
*                                                                                                       *
* Muchisimas Gracias Por leer esto.                                                                     *
* Otra Cosa, Por favor Si vas a postearlo Por lo menos dar los creditos C:                              *
*                                                                                                       *
#include <a_samp>
//-------------------------Definiciones que usted puede cambiar---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define WEAPON_RESPAWN_TIME 30                    // Esto es el tardar De las armas floten en el piso.
#define MONEY_BAG_MONEY          0                       // -1 = Bolsa de dinero en con todo el jugador de dinero 0 = bolsa de dinero OFF = 1 + bolsa de dinero en la cantidad dada.
#define MONEY_BAG_MODE       0              // 1 = El dinero viene del jugador matado 0 = El dinero viene desde el servidor.
new ForbiddenWeapons[]= { 38, 44, 45 };    // Aquн hay que aсadir identificadores de armas que no desee que se crearб.
//-------------------------Fin de las definiciones------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//=============las Variables====================================================
new WeaponDrop[MAX_PLAYERS][14];
new WeaponData[MAX_PLAYERS][14][3];
new WeaponTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
new BagMoney = MONEY_BAG_MONEY;
new BagMode = MONEY_BAG_MODE;

//=============Los Callbacks====================================================
public OnFilterScriptInit()
        return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
        OnWeaponDropPickup(playerid, pickupid);
        return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
        return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
        if(OnWeaponDropCommand(playerid, cmdtext) == 1) return 1;
        return 0;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
        return 1;

//=============las Funciones====================================================
stock OnWeaponDropInit()
        for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                for(new a=0; a<14; a++)
                    WeaponDrop[i][a] = -1;
                    WeaponData[i][a][0] = -1;
                    WeaponData[i][a][1] = -1;
                    WeaponData[i][a][2] = -1;
                WeaponTimer[i] = -1;
        print("[FS] WeaponDrop v1.1 By Lays loaded!");
        return 1;

stock OnWeaponDropPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                for(new a=0; a<13; a++)
                    if(WeaponDrop[i][a] == pickupid && WeaponData[i][a][2] == world)
                        WeaponDrop[i][a] = -1;
                        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, WeaponData[i][a][0], WeaponData[i][a][1]);
                        WeaponData[i][a][0] = -1;
                        WeaponData[i][a][1] = -1;
                if(WeaponDrop[i][13] == pickupid)
                WeaponDrop[i][13] = -1;
                GivePlayerMoney(playerid, WeaponData[i][13][0]);
                WeaponData[i][13][0] = -1;
                WeaponData[i][13][1] = -1;

stock OnWeaponDrop(playerid)
        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, dropped;
        new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
        for(new i=0; i<13; i++)
            new weapon, ammo;
            GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, weapon, ammo);
            if((ammo > 0 || weapon == 1) && weapon != 0)
                        new model = GetModel(weapon);
                        if(model != -1)
                        WeaponData[playerid][i][0] = weapon;
                        WeaponData[playerid][i][1] = ammo;
                        WeaponData[playerid][i][2] = world;
        if(BagMoney != 0)
                        if(BagMoney == -1 && GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > 0)
                        WeaponData[playerid][13][0] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
                        if(BagMode) GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -WeaponData[playerid][13][0]);
                        WeaponDrop[playerid][13] = CreatePickup(1550, 1, x, y, z);
                        if(dropped <= 0) dropped=1;
                        if(BagMoney > 0)
                        WeaponData[playerid][13][0] = BagMoney;
                        if(BagMode) GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -WeaponData[playerid][13][0]);
                        WeaponDrop[playerid][13] = CreatePickup(1550, 1, x, y, z);
                        if(dropped <= 0) dropped=1;
        if(dropped > 0)
            new radius;
            if(dropped < 3) radius = 1;
            if(dropped < 6) radius = 2;             //* Si desea otro radio, cambiar aquн. * //
            if(dropped < 9) radius = 3;
            if(dropped > 8) radius = 4;
            new Float:degree, Float:tmp;
            degree = 360.0 / (float(dropped));
            tmp = degree;
            if(WeaponTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(WeaponTimer[playerid]);
            WeaponTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RemovePickups", WEAPON_RESPAWN_TIME*1000, 0, "d", playerid);
            for(new i=0; i<13; i++)
                    if((WeaponData[playerid][i][1] > 0 || WeaponData[playerid][i][0] == 1) && WeaponData[playerid][i][0] > 0)
                                new model = GetModel(WeaponData[playerid][i][0]);
                                if(model != -1)
                                    WeaponDrop[playerid][i] = CreatePickup(model, 1, x+(floatsin(degree, degrees)*radius), y+(floatcos(degree, degrees)*radius), z, world);
                                    degree = degree + tmp;
        return 1;
stock OnWeaponDropCommand(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/dropweapon", true, 11))
                if((strlen(cmdtext[11]) && cmdtext[11] == ' ') || !strlen(cmdtext[11]))
                    if(strlen(cmdtext[11]) && cmdtext[11] == ' ' && !strlen(cmdtext[12])) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Usage: /dropweapon [ammo]");
                    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
                    if(x > 4095.0 || x < -4095.0 || y > 4095.0 || y < -4095.0 || z > 4095.0 || z < -4095.0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: You can not drop any weapons here, because pickups do not show here anymore (SA-MP issue).");
                    new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
                    new weapon, ammo, dropped, i = GetWeaponSlot(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid));
                    GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, weapon, ammo);
                    if(weapon == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: Usted no estб sosteniendo un arma.");
                    new dammo;
                    if(strval(cmdtext[11]) == 0) dammo = 0;
                        else dammo = strval(cmdtext[12]);
                    if(strlen(cmdtext[12])) if(dammo < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: municiуn no vбlido.");
                    if(dammo > ammo) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"ERROR: Usted no tiene mucha municiуn.");
                    if(dammo == 0) dammo = ammo;
                    if((ammo > 0 || weapon == 1) && weapon != 0)
                                new model = GetModel(weapon);
                                if(model != -1)
                                WeaponData[playerid][i][0] = weapon;
                                WeaponData[playerid][i][1] = dammo;
                                WeaponData[playerid][i][2] = world;
                    if(dropped > 0)
                                if(WeaponDrop[playerid][i] != -1)
                                WeaponDrop[playerid][i] = -1;
                                if(WeaponTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(WeaponTimer[playerid]);
                                WeaponTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RemovePickups", WEAPON_RESPAWN_TIME*1000, 0, "d", playerid);
                                if((WeaponData[playerid][i][1] > 0 || WeaponData[playerid][i][0] == 1) && WeaponData[playerid][i][0] > 0)
                                        new model = GetModel(WeaponData[playerid][i][0]);
                                        if(model != -1)
                                            new Float:a;
                                            GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);
                                            WeaponDrop[playerid][i] = CreatePickup(model, 1, x+(floatsin(-a, degrees)*2), y+(floatcos(-a, degrees)*2), z, world);
                        else return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00FFFF,"ERROR: No se puede eliminar esta arma.");
                    new u_savedweapon[13], u_savedammo[13];
                    for(new a=0; a<13; a++) GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, a, u_savedweapon[a], u_savedammo[a]);
                    u_savedammo[i] -= dammo;
                    new string[128];
                    format(string, 128, "[Weapon] You have successfully dropped your %s with %d bullet(s).", GetJ_WeaponName(weapon), dammo);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, string);
                    for(new a=0; a<13; a++) if(u_savedammo[a]!=0) GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, u_savedweapon[a], u_savedammo[a]);
                    if(dammo == ammo) SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid,0);
                    else SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid,weapon);
                    return 1;
    return 0;

stock OnWeaponDropExit()
        for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                WeaponTimer[i] = -1;
        print("[FS] WeaponDrop v1.1 by Lays unloaded!");
        return 1;

stock GetModel(weaponid)
        for(new i=0; i<sizeof(ForbiddenWeapons); i++)
                if(weaponid == ForbiddenWeapons[i])
                        return -1;
            case 1: return 331;
            case 2: return 333;
            case 3: return 334;
            case 4: return 335;
            case 5: return 336;
            case 6: return 337;
            case 7: return 338;
            case 8: return 339;
            case 9: return 341;
            case 10: return 321;
            case 11: return 322;
            case 12: return 323;
            case 13: return 324;
            case 14: return 325;
            case 15: return 326;
            case 16: return 342;
            case 17: return 343;
            case 18: return 344;
            case 22: return 346;
            case 23: return 347;
            case 24: return 348;
            case 25: return 349;
            case 26: return 350;
            case 27: return 351;
            case 28: return 352;
            case 29: return 353;
            case 30: return 355;
            case 31: return 356;
            case 32: return 372;
            case 33: return 357;
            case 34: return 358;
            case 35: return 359;
            case 36: return 360;
            case 37: return 361;
            case 38: return 362;
            case 39: return 363;
            case 40: return 364;
            case 41: return 365;
            case 42: return 366;
            case 43: return 367;
            case 44: return 368;
            case 45: return 369;
            case 46: return 371;
                default: return -1;
        return -1;

forward RemovePickups(playerid);
public RemovePickups(playerid)
        if(WeaponTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(WeaponTimer[playerid]);
        WeaponTimer[playerid] = -1;
        for(new a=0; a<14; a++)
            if(WeaponDrop[playerid][a] != -1)
                WeaponDrop[playerid][a] = -1;
                WeaponData[playerid][a][0] = -1;
                WeaponData[playerid][a][1] = -1;
                WeaponData[playerid][a][2] = -1;
        return 1;

stock GetWeaponSlot(weaponid)
                case 0,1: return 0;
                case 2..9: return 1;
                case 22..24: return 2;
                case 25..27: return 3;
                case 28,29,32: return 4;
                case 30,31: return 5;
                case 33,34: return 6;
                case 35..38: return 7;
                case 16..18,39: return 8;
                case 41..43: return 9;
                case 10..15: return 10;
                case 44..46: return 11;
                case 40: return 12;
                default: return -1;
        return -1;

stock GetJ_WeaponName(id)
    new wName[32];
            case 0: wName="Fist";
            case 1: wName="Brass Knuckles";
            case 2: wName="Golf Club";
            case 3: wName="Night Stick";
            case 4: wName="Knife";
            case 5: wName="Baseball Bat";
            case 6: wName="Shovel";
            case 7: wName="Pool Cue";
            case 8: wName="Katana";
            case 9: wName="Chainsaw";
            case 10: wName="Purple Dildo";
            case 11: wName="Small White Vibrator";
            case 12: wName="Large White Vibrator";
            case 13: wName="Silver Vibrator";
            case 14: wName="Flowers";
            case 15: wName="Cane";
            case 16: wName="Grenade";
            case 17: wName="Tear Gas";
            case 18: wName="Molotov Cocktail";
            case 22: wName="9mm";
            case 23: wName="Silenced 9mm";
            case 24: wName="Desert Eagle";
            case 25: wName="Shotgun";
            case 26: wName="Sawnoff Shotgun";
            case 27: wName="Combat Shotgun";
            case 28: wName="Micro SMG";
            case 29: wName="MP5";
            case 30: wName="AK 47";
            case 31: wName="M4";
            case 32: wName="Tec 9";
            case 33: wName="Country Rifle";
            case 34: wName="Sniper Rifle";
            case 35: wName="Rocket Launcher";
            case 36: wName="HS Rocket Launcher";
            case 37: wName="Flamethrower";
            case 38: wName="Minigun";
            case 39: wName="Satchel Charge";
            case 40: wName="Detonator";
            case 41: wName="Spraycan";
            case 42: wName="Fire Extinguiser";
            case 43: wName="Camera";
            case 44: wName="Night Vision Goggles";
            case 45: wName="Thermal Goggles";
            case 46: wName="Parachute";
    return wName;
Simple, anda a "OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)" y lo colocas asн
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_HUMANOS) // cambia por tus variables
	OnWeaponDropPickup(playerid, pickupid);

No se me habнa ocurrido xddd lo intentarй gracias amigo

De nada bro

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