FPS jump over 100


I'm using this to get player FPS
new drunknew = GetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid), fps[100];
			if (drunknew < 100) { 
				SetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid, 2000);
			} else {

				if(playerVariables[playerid][pDrunkLevelLast] != drunknew) {

					new wfps = playerVariables[playerid][pDrunkLevelLast] - drunknew;

					if ((wfps > 0) && (wfps < 200))
						playerVariables[playerid][pFPS] = wfps;

					playerVariables[playerid][pDrunkLevelLast] = drunknew;
, but from time to time (some minutes) FPS jumps to 180+ (for one second) and then is normal again. This function is called every second.

What is the problem?

I tried on a empty script and same problem...

Timers aren't perfect in sa-mp and they tend to not be accurate once in a while. Client/Server lag can cause this as well.

You are relying on calculating how fast player drunk level is getting down/lower. If there was a lag (delay) between your server and client it would affect that calculation and that explains why its usually normal but it spikes sometimes.

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