vehicle system game changes column name! (mysql)

hello friends im trying to make a vehicle ownership system. I will give my code here but when i apply this code it funnily shows me error of unknown column name Chaves_Valles(this was supposed to be the person who buys not field) in mysql_log

My Code:
                        mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query),
    			"INSERT INTO `Vehicles` (vehModel, vehOwner, vehPrice, vehName, vehPlate, vehColorOne, vehColorTwo, vehX, vehY, vehZ, vehA) VALUES (%d, %s, %d, '%e', '%e', %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f)",
    			GetVehicleModel(i), pname, vInfo[i][vehPrice], vInfo[i][vehName], vInfo[i][vehPlate], vInfo[i][vehColorOne], vInfo[i][vehColorTwo], vInfo[i][vehX],
    			vInfo[i][vehY], vInfo[i][vehZ], vInfo[i][vehA]);
    			mysql_query(mysql, query);

I don't see any "Chaves_Valles" in there, can you show the line with the error...

Strings need apostrophes around so "(%d, %s, %d..." becomes "(%d, '%s', %d..."

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