26.03.2017, 22:10
okay so basicly what i was doing is trying to show all players name that are in table to a textdraw but it seems to be mixed up or it shows only one name anyway heres my code
for(new i, j=GetPlayerPoolSize(); i<=j; i++) { if(GetPVarInt(i,"ontable") == GetPVarInt(playerid,"ontable")) { new string[50]; format(string,sizeof(string),"%s",RoleName(i)); TextDrawSetString(Textdraw0[i],string); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i,Textdraw0[i]); } }
stock RoleName(playerid) { new string[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid,string,24); new str[24]; strmid(str,string,0,strlen(string),24); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_NAME; i++) { if (str[i] == '_') str[i] = ' '; } return str; }