lost .pwn file but still have amx

hello guys today i lost my freeroam Game Mode after a hard work it took me all this week to make it
i used EasyDeAmx To Decompile it but it doesn't work on it is there any solution,? help please!

tldr; no.

Sorry to tell you, but your best chance is to take your drive to a data recovery center.
There's no way you'll decompile the AMX into useful code.

If your gamemode did contain something like this:

Then it belongs there in the dumpster.

Sorry for your loss.

start using git clients.

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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start using git clients.
This. Bitbucket is a good free private repository provider. Not to mention if you have a NAS unit, you can probably have one run on that for you.

Originally Posted by Troydere
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If your gamemode did contain something like this:

Then it belongs there in the dumpster.

Sorry for your loss.

This is why everybody should use version control. Even using something like DropBox is a lot better than nothing. You're not the first this has happened to. Even when I wasn't using version control, I always kept a backup on another device or USB stick. Too bad, but I hope this is a valuable lesson learned.

Backup your hard disk or use Recuva to retrieve deleted files. Should work. My question is how did you delete it? And why the .pwn but not the .amx?

Originally Posted by Variable™
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Backup your hard disk or use Recuva to retrieve deleted files. Should work. My question is how did you delete it? And why the .pwn but not the .amx?
When you do a change on your file and don't save it, on exiting Pawno tries to save it. lets imagine that, light got cut while you were working on your gamemode. Pawno will exit and trys to show a message box and checks its result [ Idk but maybe save being passed as the chose button that time ]. so Pawno tries to save the file. clears it and tries to rewrite, light power finishes boom .pwn is empty [ happened to me several times ].

however I've made my own Pawn script editor recently for a community and excluded the save when you exit xd.

you can find videos of the project I've down below : p.


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