I need someone to help me with gamemode

I have one zombie gamemode let say Dayz, and there is problem with few plugins they dont load i update them, replace but still no metter its same... I need someone to set up that for me,i will be thankfull! PM me.

PHP код:
[16/02/17 15:49:05Loading pluginmysql.so
[16/02/17 15:49:05Failed (plugins/mysql.socannot open shared object fileNo such file or directory)
16/02/17 15:49:05Loading plugincolandreas.so
[16/02/17 15:49:05Failed (plugins/colandreas.socannot open shared object fileNo such file or directory)
16/02/17 15:49:05Loading pluginmapandreas.so
[16/02/17 15:49:05Failed (plugins/mapandreas.socannot open shared object fileNo such file or directory)
16/02/17 15:49:05Loading pluginctime.so
[16/02/17 15:49:05Failed (plugins/ctime.socannot open shared object fileNo such file or directory)
16/02/17 15:49:05Loading pluginysf.so
[16/02/17 15:49:05Failed (plugins/ysf.socannot open shared object fileNo such file or directory

.so is for linux/ubuntu etc and .dll is for windows. Make sure you run the right plugins on your server.cfg and also use the full name in the "plugins" line from the server.cfg "mysql.so colandreas.so etc".

As I said on the last thread, you'll find this is a runtime issue, especially if those files are sitting in the right folders...

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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If the error was the same on the MySQL plugin, then I'd say it's missing runtimes, or the architecture setting to allow 32 bit, on a 64 bit machine.

The plugins are executables in some sense, and thus they will use runtimes and other features.

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