Bullet not registered

Lately i've been experiencing around 60 percent of time when I am doing this.

So basically I am trying to kill someone in-game, lets say in a duel and even though the server i play in is lag comp, my opponent would not get damage from my bullets, inspite bullets hitting directly in his skin, and its not like damage mods or desync, it happens around 50-60 percent of shoots I do on someone, and I am having hard time to ever rapeshoot anyone with this.

Looks like server simply does not register i shoot someone and he doesn't receive damage and it bothers me alot because that's the reason I lose my duel fights.

If someone could help me.

Are you using any server script? If you are what includes does it use?

Not any that i would known of, although I have map in my directory ''scripts'' and there is document ''global'' in it.
I joined samp again around 2-3months ago and i am noticing this since then, before like 8 months ago when i was still playing, every shot i made had impact and made damage on a player i shot at, but now this happens only half of the time when shooting at someone, and it doesn't really matter what kind of ping they have or I have.

Could I have a look at it? Please...

Please check your inbox

this is the map tho.


Can anyone help me?

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