25.01.2017, 19:58
well i've to issues i hope someone would help me with (+rep)
so the first one is when i use jetpack everytime it says you used it recently..
new jetpacktimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
the second one is the progress bar get showed for the player who capture the area..and it doesn't show for the helper who help him capturing it..any idea?!
NOTE:i create the progress bar under a function which is called after onplayerenterdynamicCP
so the first one is when i use jetpack everytime it says you used it recently..
new jetpacktimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
CMD:jetpack(playerid, params) { if(pInfo[playerid][Class] != JET) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You need to be jettrooper to spawn a jetpack"); if(GetTickCount()-jetpacktimer[playerid] < 120000) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You have to wait 2 minutes to use this command again"); SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid,SPECIAL_ACTION_USE JETPACK); SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "Jetpack Spawned!"); jetpacktimer[playerid] = GetTickCount(); return 1; } |
new PlayerBar:zonebar[MAX_PLAYERS]; |
public CapturingArea(playerid,Area,CTimer) { if(IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ Area }) { CountVar[Area]=CountVar[Area]+1; SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, PlayerBar:zonebar[playerid], CountVar[Area]); ShowPlayerProgressBar(playerid, PlayerBar:zonebar[playerid]); format(str, SOS, "%i",CountVar[Area]); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, capture0[Area], str); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, capture0[Area]); } else if(IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ Area }) { CountVar[Area]=CountVar[Area]+1; SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, PlayerBar:zonebar[playerid], CountVar[Area]); ShowPlayerProgressBar(playerid, PlayerBar:zonebar[playerid]); format(str, SOS, "%i",CountVar[Area]); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, capture0[Area], str); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, capture0[Area]); SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"[DEBUG]:YOU ARE HELPING CALLED SUCCESSFULLY!"); } if(CountVar[Area]>=CTimer && IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ Area }) { FinishCaptureArea(playerid,Area ); } return 1; } |