
Please can you help me!
Im already ti complie a FS Ipleaomax Textdraw
*sorry for my bad english
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(19) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(21) : warning 219: local variable "Textdraw0" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(21) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(22) : warning 219: local variable "Textdraw0" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(22) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(22) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(22 -- 24) : warning 219: local variable "Textdraw0" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(22 -- 24) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\SAMP SERVER\[MRL] Morocco Real Life™ [FR-RP] - Copie\scriptfiles\TD_Morocco.pwn(22 -- 24) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

6 Errors.

Don't create multiple threads about the same problem and don't bump existing ones (at least not after a short while)

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
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Don't create multiple threads about the same problem and don't bump existing ones (at least not after a short while)
im so sorry sir

Already solved in your other thread, be more careful next time

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