15.12.2016, 07:06
what does it mean?
stock TimestampToDate(Timestamp, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, HourGMT, MinuteGMT = 0) { new tmp = 2; year = 1970; month = 1; Timestamp -= 172800; // Delete two days from the current timestamp. This is necessary, because the timestamp retrieved using gettime() includes two too many days. for(;;) { if(Timestamp >= 31536000) { year ++; Timestamp -= 31536000; tmp ++; if(tmp == 4) { if(Timestamp >= 31622400) { tmp = 0; year ++; Timestamp -= 31622400; } else break; } } else break; } for(new i = 0; i < 12; i ++) { if(Timestamp >= MonthTimes[i][2 + IsLeapYear(year)]) { month ++; Timestamp -= MonthTimes[i][2 + IsLeapYear(year)]; } else break; } day = 1 + (Timestamp / 86400); Timestamp %= 86400; hour = HourGMT + (Timestamp / 3600); Timestamp %= 3600; minute = MinuteGMT + (Timestamp / 60); second = (Timestamp % 60); if(minute > 59) { minute = 0; hour ++; } if(hour > 23) { hour -= 24; day ++; } if(day > MonthTimes[month][IsLeapYear(year)]) { day = 1; month ++; } if(month > 12) { month = 1; year ++; } return 1; }