29.11.2016, 13:52
Last edited by Eoussama; 24/01/2017 at 06:37 PM.
To start with, the idea itself occurred to me while watching a Michael bay movie, and to honor it, there would be nothing more suitable than an explosive related Filterscript to make, and so I began...
Latest Version
New features:
To edit the bomb prices or the use timers, follow the next steps:


Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3683dr...es+Shop1.2.rar
DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/home/FilterS...es+Shop1.2.rar
Pastbin: http://pastebin.com/ZhjNRxXb
To start with, the idea itself occurred to me while watching a Michael bay movie, and to honor it, there would be nothing more suitable than an explosive related Filterscript to make, and so I began...
Latest Version
New features:
- ► SQLite Based
- ► You can no longer use /evmshop to buy bombs, you have to go to an explosive vending machine, then press N to buy from it
- ► /makeevm Create explosives vending machine
- ► /deleteevm Destroy explosives vending machine
- ► /editevm Edit explosives vending machine
- ► /blockevm Block explosives vending machine and prevent players from using it
- ► /unblockevm unblock explosives vending machine and allow players from using it
- ► /evmstats See all available slots to create more explosives vending machine, see which one is blocked and which one is not
- ► /evmtp Teleport to explosives vending machine
Older Versions version 1.0 (12/08/2016 ► Explosive RC Car added ► Explosive Drone added ► /evmcmds command added ► /givebombs command added ► /setbombs command added ► /clearbombs command added version 0.8 (12/02/2016 ► Quantum bomb added ► Mine bombs added ► Explosive barrels added ► Bombed vest added ► Timers are more flexible ► /estats is updated(more organized) ► /ehelp updated version 0.0.5 (11/29/2016) ► Dialog based shop system ► 5 different bombs to use ► You can only use a bomb each 5 minutes ► Bomb coast can be changed any time via "Configuration panel" in the source file |
- ★ Bomb
- ★ Timing Bomb
- ★Remoted C4
- ★ Car Bomb
- ★ Atomic Bomb
- ★ Suicidal bomb vest
- ★ Quantum bomb
- ★ Mines
- ★ Explosive barrels
- ★ Explosive RC Car
- ★ Explosive Drone
To edit the bomb prices or the use timers, follow the next steps:
- Go to "Filterscripts" folder
- Open the filter script file
- Head to the 189th line, you will find the "Configuration panel"
- Chenge the numbers in the way that fits your needs

/estats | Display a dialog showing your available bombs |
/ehelp | Displays a dialog showing you instruction on how to use every bomb |
/evmcmds | Shows you all player's command that are related to the filterscript excluding Rcon commands |
/givebombs | Give Bombs to a certain player |
/setbombs | Sets the amount of bombs for a specific player |
/makeevm | Create a new Explosives vending machine |
/deleteevm | Removes Explosives vending machine |
/editevm | Edit Explosives vending machine |
/blockevm | Block Explosives vending machine and prevent others from using it |
/unblockevm | Unblock Explosives vending machine and allow others to use it |
/evmtp | Teleport to Explosives vending machine |
/evmstats | Shows all information about each Explosives vending machine (ID, Slot, is the slot available to create another EVM, is it blocked or not, total available slots... |
1- Download the EO_ExplosivesShop.zip 2- Copy all the files/folders directory to your server files 3- Open server.cfg and add EO_EXplosivesShop at Filetrscript line |

- All SA:MP Staff
- Scripted by EOussama
- ZCMD by Zeex
- sscanf2 by ******
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3683dr...es+Shop1.2.rar
DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/home/FilterS...es+Shop1.2.rar
Pastbin: http://pastebin.com/ZhjNRxXb
NOTE: Hope ou guys like it, please report any bugs found, if you have any suggestions, you're welcomed at the comment sections