05.11.2016, 22:33
I don't really know how to explain myself, I will try the best
I want to run a loop after all vehicles are created
If vehicle model == Rustler vehicle model (the shooting old plane)
Then it will add the vehicleid to an array containing the vehicleid & if the rustler has shot or not
Should I use an Iterator or a Variable for it, and if I need a variable, how exactly should I create it
New Rustlers[MAX_VEHICLES] or is there a shorter way ?
I want to run a loop after all vehicles are created
If vehicle model == Rustler vehicle model (the shooting old plane)
Then it will add the vehicleid to an array containing the vehicleid & if the rustler has shot or not
Should I use an Iterator or a Variable for it, and if I need a variable, how exactly should I create it
New Rustlers[MAX_VEHICLES] or is there a shorter way ?