sorry for creating 2 post for one problem..
[22:07:43] [WARNING] mysql_connect: no password specified (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:59)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '050A613324FDFFABA89C0A1289C7DAA25D59982E354A1C8D9B5A2F2191BDD72C', 'a')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '050A613324FDFFABA89C0A1289C7DAA25D59982E354A1C8D9B5A2F' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'EA3041CC98BADF9C3EEFBD32BF8E8B891092476A61FFAD576BD829FAF7509F0B', 'aP')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'EA3041CC98BADF9C3EEFBD32BF8E8B891092476A61FFAD576BD829' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'F7F9F1439204BD442E128B6A86DA9D434ECC9EFB2D595534F5BCF1F039390119', 'aPx')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'F7F9F1439204BD442E128B6A86DA9D434ECC9EFB2D595534F5BCF1' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '3B85E7306DE2F7A3F6525EBEE2D1CA4422CA8B9E1F4B389AC2F696BE258271DA', 'aPxT')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '3B85E7306DE2F7A3F6525EBEE2D1CA4422CA8B9E1F4B389AC2F696' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '9A8762B09C57F55A14DC91B9997A9C2AE093DBAD7B3999462D0A573D34E9E139', 'aPxT/')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '9A8762B09C57F55A14DC91B9997A9C2AE093DBAD7B3999462D0A57' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'E71C74686750A3C4303072629F98F450DCCDC071B7CC6C40EDF46A638C2CF5EE', 'aPxT/[')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'E71C74686750A3C4303072629F98F450DCCDC071B7CC6C40EDF46A' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '6B0D31BA66240E24E358E9A10F9A9C667C20B62FA6959CC715C6154D393F0F01', 'aPxT/[C')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '6B0D31BA66240E24E358E9A10F9A9C667C20B62FA6959CC715C615' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '2D0F777D8A12E7005A8E97DDD06BA418C4FAB11FEAA245D0A2CFBB23C65E1FEC', 'aPxT/[C9')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '2D0F777D8A12E7005A8E97DDD06BA418C4FAB11FEAA245D0A2CFBB' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '39CBC3D986FE887808FE10F14EBDAC108429E74A1D9519D8B76A64D4B418CA02', 'aPxT/[C9>')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '39CBC3D986FE887808FE10F14EBDAC108429E74A1D9519D8B76A64' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '9C496D505DEBCC1AE2128694A721764E3F8559ABFD6953E7B6B59524B83EFF6E', 'aPxT/[C9>P')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '9C496D505DEBCC1AE2128694A721764E3F8559ABFD6953E7B6B595' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '3BE1932BE1FF234D79BD0D58F10A47E8A43335972F821CE52AF6C15C6A1CBAB0', 'aPxT/[C9>PF')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '3BE1932BE1FF234D79BD0D58F10A47E8A43335972F821CE52AF6C1' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '2B48840022554C3DF79C0970BC47F6B9FAA38C7A0F0F623915FB32D2E70DDB3D', 'aPxT/[C9>PFE')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '2B48840022554C3DF79C0970BC47F6B9FAA38C7A0F0F623915FB32' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'DD3B033C2E64A3A38E644E7BB11EDA51435BEA60DCD9B4465DC791126F46106C', 'aPxT/[C9>PFEx')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'DD3B033C2E64A3A38E644E7BB11EDA51435BEA60DCD9B4465DC791' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '5AE709F5A30F73E9E8E045BE1E2AF4A3FD368195222705BA2CCEDFB97219C474', 'aPxT/[C9>PFExv')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '5AE709F5A30F73E9E8E045BE1E2AF4A3FD368195222705BA2CCEDF' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '9F7EB053F906C8638AF97639E21F53A68135F8B8671A6F3FA07413469F4C31EB', 'aPxT/[C9>PFExvz')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', '9F7EB053F906C8638AF97639E21F53A68135F8B8671A6F3FA07413' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
[22:08:10] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'AF587A3694D42D5C8AE26F9FA2167752F689882C33DC9FB0A9D0BACC6DF10D7F', 'aPxT/[C9>PFExvzT')": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'salt`), VALUES ('Micko', 'AF587A3694D42D5C8AE26F9FA2167752F689882C33DC9FB0A9D0BA' at line 1 (C:\Users\Micko\Desktop\MySQL\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn:186)
PHP Code:
for(new i = 0; i < 16; i++)
PlayerInfo[playerid][Salt][i] = random(94) + 33;
SHA256_PassHash(inputtext, PlayerInfo[playerid][Salt], PlayerInfo[playerid][Password], 65);
new query[221];
mysql_format(g_SQL, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `players` (`username`, `password, `salt`), VALUES ('%e', '%s', '%e')", PlayerInfo[playerid][Name], PlayerInfo[playerid][Password], PlayerInfo[playerid][Salt]);
mysql_tquery(g_SQL, query, "OnPlayerRegister", "d", playerid);