08.10.2016, 23:38
When i add this: if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return sendclientmessage bla bla you are not authorized to use this command, it returns you are not authorized to use this command even if i type /sampisagreatgame. I also added this:
at the end of my script, and it doesnt return that if i type a non-existing command, it returns "you are not authorized". only if i am a rcon admin, it returns "that command does not exist" normally.
please help. thank you.
When i add this: if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return sendclientmessage bla bla you are not authorized to use this command, it returns you are not authorized to use this command even if i type /sampisagreatgame. I also added this:
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success) { if(!success) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLORWHITE, "That command does not exist. Use {FFFF00}/help{FFFFFF} to see a list of available commands."); return 1; }
please help. thank you.