Hex color embedding bug


pawn Код:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "*****{90C3D4}« Informaciуn »*{61D4FA}Crea tu propia crew / clan con {FF7A45}/crearcrew.");

In game (bug):

I am not using space, i am using ALT+255 for spaces

pawn Код:
CMD:test(playerid, params[])
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "*****{90C3D4}« Informaciуn »*{61D4FA}Crea tu propia crew / c   clan con {FF7A45}/crearcrew.");
    return 1;
Look at this pic http://imgur.com/nswhW3u
On my server its working fine, add this in your server its will work.

Originally Posted by Barnwell
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pawn Код:
CMD:test(playerid, params[])
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "*****{90C3D4}« Informaciуn »*{61D4FA}Crea tu propia crew / c   clan con {FF7A45}/crearcrew.");
    return 1;
Look at this pic http://imgur.com/nswhW3u
On my server its working fine, add this in your server its will work.
He meant that he's using ALT+255 instead of the stars.

I tried writing it in the forum message box and it closed itself!! XD

On topic - What I feel like is happening is that the "Empty character" is not being taken in account for colour embedding, therefore offsetting all of them. Still rather weird it is happening. Can you double check whether it is happening with other ALT codes?

I know this is a bug, but can't this really be done with space though? I don't think this is going to be fixed, as there are many other issues which have yet to be addressed.

Although it is a really interesting bug. Makes me wait a second and think, how things are actually made...

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