How to make a VIP system with this?

Hi guys,
how do I make a VIP system from Kush's tutorial ?

Follow the tutorial

@iLearner, The tutorial itself didn't state anything related to VIP.

for Gotham, If you wanted to make a simple and non-complex/advance VIP system. You could make it just like an admin system but instead of giving them the power to use the kick, ban commands etc... You could give them powers to heal or something that you wanted to do on these VIPs.

the tutorials are not made to copy paste.By reading ,for eg that tutorial,you are learning not just to make admin system.Above that you are learning a logic.The same logic can be applied in many terms.This how to learn programming not like parrot reading.So the tutorial need not to state anything directly but should provide a logic

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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the tutorials are not made to copy paste.By reading ,for eg that tutorial,you are learning not just to make admin system.Above that you are learning a logic.The same logic can be applied in many terms.This how to learn programming not like parrot reading.So the tutorial need not to state anything directly but should provide a logic
Best reply ever!. And we all the people who replied above will recommend you to switch to SQL, whether its MySQL or SQLite.

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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the tutorials are not made to copy paste.By reading ,for eg that tutorial,you are learning not just to make admin system.Above that you are learning a logic.The same logic can be applied in many terms.This how to learn programming not like parrot reading.So the tutorial need not to state anything directly but should provide a logic
Yes I've made once, but I think there was something wrong My password hasher went crazy.That is why I thought there would be something else to do in it, I'll try again if you want.

EDIT:It worked this time!YAY!
Close this thread too

All you need, basically, is a variable that loads a player's VIP level. With that variable, reserve features that should only be for VIPs, create a list of online VIPs, etc., etc.

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