
Guys this is the problem coming. Please help me

C:\Users\Vijay\Desktop\PLA\gamemodes\PLA.pwn(47) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "socket"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Line 47 is #include <socket>

Please help me

Please help me

you need include near include <a_samp>

This means isn't found in ..pawno/includes/

#if defined socket_included
#define socket_included

#define MAX_SOCKETS 10
#define INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
#define NO_IP_RETURN ""

enum pType {
TCP = 1,
UDP = 2
native Socketocket_create(pType:TCP); // udp & tcp
native socket_bind(Socket:id, ip[]); // udp & tcp
native socket_connect(Socket:id, host[], port); // udp & tcp
native socket_listen(Socket:id, port); // udp & tcp
native socket_stop_listen(Socket:id); // udp & tcp
native socket_destroy(Socket:id); // udp & tcp
native socket_send(Socket:id, data[], len); // udp & tcp
native socket_sendto(Socket:id, const ip[], port, data[], len); // udp only
native socket_send_array(Socket:id, data[], size=sizeof(data)); // udp & tcp
native is_socket_valid(Socket:id); // udp & tcp
native socket_set_max_connections(Socket:id, max_remote_clients); // tcp only
native socket_close_remote_client(Socket:id, remote_clientid); // tcp only
native socket_sendto_remote_client(Socket:id, remote_clientid, data[]); // tcp only
native socket_remote_client_connected(Socket:id, remote_clientid); // tcp only
native get_remote_client_ip(Socket:id, remote_clientid, ip[]); // tcp only

// ssl stuff (requires OpenSSL)

native ssl_init(); // initialize the ssl library
native ssl_create_context(Socket:id, method);
native ssl_connect(Socket:id); // tcp (client only)
native ssl_load_cert_into_context(Socket:id, const certificate[], const private_key[]); // certificate & private_key might be the same .pem file
native ssl_shutdown(Socket:id) = socket_destroy;
native ssl_get_peer_certificate(Socket:id, method, subject[], issuer[], remote_clientid = 0xFFFF);
native ssl_set_accept_timeout(Socket:id, interval); // interval in miliseconds
native ssl_set_mode(Socket:id, mode); // see above SSL_modes (enum)
Its showing error

C:\Users\Vijay\Desktop\Untitled.pwn(40) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\Vijay\Desktop\Untitled.pwn(41) : error 013: no entry point (no public functions)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.

include files not compiling is not a problem, the problem is that it isn't in the right includes folder or you don't write it correctly

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