04.12.2016, 04:04
Последний раз редактировалось Jelly23; 27.05.2017 в 18:34.
Weapon Dealers
This is another dynamic system i have done. You can create weapon dealers and set up which weapons they can sell, aswell as ammo and cost, each dealer can carry up to 10 weapons. There's also a rcon menu which gives full control over them.
MySQL Information
- #define MYSQL_HOST - Your MySQL host, you may change the address at line 26.
- #define MYSQL_USER - Your user name.
- #define MYSQL_DATABASE - Your database name.
- #define MYSQL_PASSWORD - Your DB password.
- #define MAX_DEALERS - The maximum amount of dealers, by default it's 500.
- Weapon dealers can have up to 10 different weapons, including the cost & price of each weapon.
- The system is totally dynamic. Rcon admins got full control over weapon dealers and can edit them at any time.
- You can use any skin for weapon dealers.
- 3D Text Label showing their id and command to be used.
- Usage of MySQL.
Command | Description | Restriction |
/weaps | Will show the weaps dialog. | None. |
/test | Will give you $10,000. | Rcon Admins. |
/dmenu | Rcon management panel. | Rcon Admins. |
Function | Description |
CreateDealer(Skin, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle, World) | Will create a dealer, obviously. |
RemoveDealer(dealerid) | Will remove/destroy a dealer. |
A dealer's weapons
Some weapon dealers
RCON Panel
MySQL R39-6
foreach 0.4.1 standalone
Filterscript dealers.sql