HELP ME error 025: function heading differs from prototype

./includes/gvr.pwn(105651) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

gimme the line

Originally Posted by Micko123
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gimme the line
Can you be more specific?

ctrl+g type the line number: 105651 enter and copy the code around that line

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
Here u are

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
new Float:HP;
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");// play music for who killed.
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(issuerid, "");// play music for killer.
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);//kill player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Head shot!", 3000, 6);
GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~r~Head shot!", 3000, 6);
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-45.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-45.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-45.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-35.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-40.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP-40.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33 || weaponid == 32 || weaponid == 31 || weaponid == 30 || weaponid == 29 || weaponid == 28 || weaponid == 27 || weaponid == 26 || weaponid == 25 || weaponid == 24 || weaponid == 23 || weaponid == 22) && bodypart == 0)//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);//kill player
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && (weaponid == 34 || weaponid == 33))//check if the shooter shoot in sniper and check if shoot in head
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "commitSuicide") == 1)
SetPVarInt(playerid, "commitSuicide", 0);

similar a few lines around it

update your a_samp and ysi.

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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update your a_samp and ysi.
Can u give me a link?

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